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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Have you ever been on your computer or any device that requires Wi-Fi, and suddenly you lose your internet connection? Of course you have! It is just plain outright frustrating, especially when you are working from home, or in the middle of a lesson, or just plain “surfing the web”.

Many years ago, I had a deep conversation with a particular person, about God. She was an avid church goer, a member on the Trustee Board, and an Usher. She was also on the Finance Committee and the President on the Pastor’s Aid Committee. She loved her pastor and she loved her church.

In my conversation with her, she wanted to know why did I cry often in church. I simply told her that I cried because I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. She was perplexed at my answer, because she did not know how that felt. She said that she wished she could experience it, but she had never had such an experience. In other words, she was really “not connected” to God.

I remember when I was a young Christian, I thought something was wrong when I didn’t feel that feeling (the presence of the Holy Spirit) all of the time. I confronted my late husband about my concern. He just snickered and told me that I was just fine. I wasn’t disconnected from God. He informed me that, that feeling does not linger with you all day and all night, but the Spirit of God will always be within me.

I know there maybe times in our lives when we have a feeling of being “not connected” to God. Sometimes, it may feel like we have lost our passion for our pursuit of God. Sometimes the busyness of our life gets us off-track. Sometimes, we just get stuck and get distracted. Sometimes we may have the tendency to put God on pause. Thus, causing us to feel “not connected”.

Hebrews 12:1-2, can be used as a guide to help you get reconnected in your spiritual walk. “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Sometimes we may feel that God has pulled away from us, but this is “ABSOLUTELY INCORRECT”. God is always there for us, with us, instructing us, supporting us, and encouraging us. God is our greatest “Cheerleader”.

Sometimes we will allow people, places and things to create a space between us and God; thereby, blocking our intimacy with Him. This situation may come in all kinds of forms, such as busyness, careers, people, social media, and even disappointments in life. It can come from anything that distracts our attention from God; even servicing others or your church can be a distraction.

So what do you do? Throughout the Bible, God has said that if we pursue Him, and draw near to Him, then He will draw near to us. Hebrews 12:2 says: focus our eyes on Jesus. It is not merely that we need to spend more time with Him, but talk to Him, pray to Him, worship Him, and talk to fellow Christians that are deeply rooted in Him.

Our relationship with God is truly a personal one. God should always be #1 in our lives, that means that He is our “Top Priority”. He is “PRIORITY ONE”!

When we dedicate our hearts and time to Him, that feeling of disconnect will be replaced with a “super connection”. So let us be like Clark Kent, go into the telephone booth, regroup and refocus, and when you step out of the booth, you will become “SUPER CHARGED”.

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