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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Updated: May 3, 2020

Isn’t it amazing, that God can use anything and anyone to assist us, be it, physically, materially, or mentally.

I am sitting in my living room, talking to God, praising Him, and singing to Him.

It’s raining outside and I can feel the depression creeping into my spirit. It’s slowly crawling into my mind and I am begging God to help me. I just need a word from Him. I need Him to tell me that all is well. I need Him to comfort me.

We all are dealing with, or suffering from something. It could be depression, anxiety, loneliness, trauma, sorrow, or confusion. Yes, everyone suffers. Just because we don’t know it, or just because we might not comprehend it, it does not mean that suffering does not exist.

As I look out of the window, something catches my attention, and it is a squirrel. I realize that the squirrel has been running up and down the pine tree. He is jumping from the pine tree to the telephone lines, and he is doing it, repeatedly. He appears to be dancing in the rain. That’s right, that is what I just said, he is dancing in the rain, and I do declare, this squirrel has rhythm. Wow, he is acrobatic. Look at those calisthenics. Oh no, I think that he is break dancing. He is really entertaining me, and I am impressed and completely amused.

As he is entertaining me, I realize, that he is not a normal size squirrel. I noticed how fat he is. I don’t think that I have ever seen a squirrel this fat, but this one is truly, may I say, pleasingly plump. This squirrel has been well taken care of, and you can tell that his benefactor is Jesus.

Now, if God can bless a squirrel, what would He do for me! Then it hit me, God had sent this squirrel to entertain me, because by watching him, it took my mind off, myself and removed the depression. It distracted me and kept the depression from overpowering me. So I paused, so that I could glorify God.

“LOOK AT GOD!” God can do anything, but fell. “LOOK AT GOD!” My God who can do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that work in us." “LOOK AT GOD!”

He answered my prayer. I needed Him to help me and to keep me from falling into a deep dark depression, and He sent a squirrel to entertain me.

As soon as my spirit was lifted, the squirrel did a disappearing act.

Blessings comes in all kinds of packages.


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