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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


What is the meaning of “on-call”? Essentially, being “on-call” means that someone is available at a moment’s notice. Available at any time and on short notice. “When he calls out to Me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him and honor him” (Psalm 91;15).

Psalm 91 is one of my favorite Psalms. It is my go to scripture when I need Jesus to hear my cries and feel my pain. It is one of my M and M scriptures, meditate and memorize.

These are very sobering times that we are living in. Many people are suffering. They have lost their jobs. The unemployment rate is soaring, the stock market is highly volatile and this Pandemic-Covid-19 is rapidly spreading around the world, like a wildfire. We are in the heat of battle. Troubles are bearing down hard on us and it’s heavy. We are feeling the pressures of stress.

People are losing their homes and those that are renting are being evicted in rapid numbers. There are severe floods, fires, hurricanes, hunger, injustice, and people are being mentally affected with all of this turmoil. WE are calling on God like never before, I know that I am, and you are too.

So I am calling unto my heavenly Father, begging Him to send help for me and the world. Then I recite Psalm 91 and I feel comforted as my tears are flowing.

In Psalm 91, God promises: 1) “I will rescue him," 2) “I will protect him," 3) “I will answer him," 4) “I will be with him in trouble," and 5) “I will deliver him”. His promises reminds me that we are not alone. God never said that we wouldn’t have hard or difficult times. He did say that He would be with us when we face hard times.

Only Jesus can give us rest, peace, and calm. So please don’t doubt him. God is always “on-call” and always just “one-call” away. JUST ONE CALL AND THAT’S ALL!

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