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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Lord give us this day our daily bread! Our daily bread isn't just food. It is whatever we need to sustain us. It is not just our jobs, our home, or our clothes, etc. It’s peace, comfort, encouragement, and most importantly, a relationship with God.

We can’t do anything on our own. Those who may feel otherwise, please stop to pray for them. We can’t do nothing without God. We all need him. Everything that we have, comes from him. Everything may seem rosy while we are in the land of plenty. When, all of our needs are being met. When, we are employed, and money is coming in. When, we are in reasonable good health. When, our home life is doing well. When, our bills are getting paid. When, we are dressing good and eating well. Yes, everything's coming up roses, when all is well. But you and I both know that, if the stick is pulled from underneath us, any one of those things mentioned, will cause everything to be thrown off-balance. It will create a “domino” affect, in our lives. Everything will become unbalanced, and our circumstances may change. Any of these events will have us, completely dependent on God, like never before. You will be in a place, where you don’t know what to do. You can’t do nothing, but rely, and depend on God. Perhaps you may have lost your job, or have an extended illness, any of these two things can be devastating, which may cause you to not be able to provide for yourself and/or your family.

The Israelites faced a similar situation. When God freed them from slavery in Egypt. When he led them through the desert to the Promised Land, God provided them with food and water. Every morning he would supply them with manna from heaven. Yet, they started complaining about the manna. They wanted a variety of food. He provided it, and yet they weren’t satisfied at all, about anything.

When we become too puffed-up and start thinking that we are the ones that are providing for ourselves in lieu of God, He will often take us through a “desert” experience, before he delivers us to the Promised Land.

It’s in the desert that we will learn whatever lessons, that we will need to use, when we arrive in the Promised Land. One of the lessons is trusting, and depending on God, during our fat seasons and during our lean seasons. We also learn to obey Him and trust Him while we are leaning on Him. It’s while in the “desert," that we realized that we don’t control anything. God is the Provider, and all of our provisions come from Him.

It is God that provides our daily bread, in every season. Somehow, we don’t lean on him as much in our fat season. Sometimes, in our fat season, we will just go through the motions, in our prayer and worship. It’s in our lean season, that we become clingy to God. We become, once again, humbled. We become needed, because we realize that we really do need Him. God is the God, of every and ALL seasons, not just our lean seasons, but ALL seasons.

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