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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


There is approximately 353,000 babies born each day, around the world. Each one, once they are born, will be given a name. To make the name official, here in the US, a birth certificate will be issued. It doesn’t matter when, why, or how often it happens, the giving and receiving of a name is an event of major importance.

People gives people certain names for a reason. I was named after my maternal grandmother. My son has his dad’s name and that makes him a junior. Names are important. Not only is our name important to us, bit it identifies us as a person. Names are important in the Bible as well. The Bible tells us that a good name is to be chosen rather than silver and gold.

My name is Cecilia. My late husband had many names for me. All names of endearment: poochy baby, pretty darling, the love of my life, sugar pie, honey plum, just to name a few. Oh, yes there are more! I have many names of terms of endearment for him, as well. In anger, those names may change to something else. When I am upset with him, I may call him by his first name, Claude. That’s when he knows that he is in trouble. Then he will stop and ask me, “Why did you call me by my first name? What did I do wrong?”

There are 7.65 billions people on this earth, God knows every one of us, and he knows us by our names. There are probably thousands of people that may have the same name as you or maybe a few with my name, but that’s okay. It makes no difference with God. God knows everything about us. He knows our innermost secrets. He knows our thoughts. He knows what troubles us. He knows what inspires us and what are our aspirations. He knows our needs and our wants. He knows when we are happy and when we are sad. He knows our thoughts before they are formed in our brains. He knows our steps before we even make a move. He knows our idiosyncrasies. He is aware of our ups and downs. “You are so intimately aware of me, Lord, You read my heart like an open book and you know all the words I’m about to speak before I even start a sentence! You know every step I will take before my journey even begins!” Psalm 139:3-4.

God knew our names before we were born. The Bible tells us that the names of God’s children are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

God knows each and every one of us. When we call out to him in darkness, he doesn’t have to guess where we are, or which one of his children is calling Him. He knows exactly who we are, and why we are calling, because he knows us. It doesn’t matter how long we have strayed away from him, because he knows that information too. He knew that exact time when you would come back. He knows our pain, our hurts, our sufferings, and our darkest thoughts. He loves us regardless. He knows how many times, every one of us, calls His name. He knows our exact heart beat and rate. He knows how many times each one of us, inhale and exhale. He knows how many times our eyelash will flicker. He knows us all personally. He knows each one of us by our names. He will never forget our name nor does he call us out of our names.

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