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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


I love going to a party. My late husband was extremely popular and he was also known to be the" life of the party." I can't dance a lick, but I love to dress for the occasion.

People throw all kinds of parties. Pick an occasion and someone will throw a party for it. Some people just like throwing parties.

There are all kinds of parties, birthday parties, surprise parties, engagement parties, dinner parties, bachelorette parties, fundraising parties, Super Bowl parties, anniversary parties, retirement parties, graduation parties, and the list goes on and on.

I am gained to go to almost any kind of party, but there are some parties I will not attend, and that one in particular, is a "Pity Party." I have thrown so many of those, that I should be crowned the "Pity Party Queen."

I have been the ear for so many people and groups of people. The "Woe is Me Group," the "I Don't Deserve This" group, and the "When is My Ship Going to Come In" group. Just pick a group and I have had to lend them my ear.

The many problems that confronts us are just the trials and tribulations of life. They are just tests. They are just bumps in the road, as we travel through life. God presents these tests to us. When we are confronted with them, one of two things will happen, you are either going to pass the test, or you will fail the test, only to have to retake it again. "My brothers, count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations, knowing that the trying of your faith develop patience. But let patience perfect and complete, lacking nothing" (James 1:2-4). No one likes taking tests. They are not desirable in the natural and definitely not in the spiritual.

There are no exemptions from taking God's "Faith Test." You can't opt out of them. We as Christians must realize the "Faith Test" is not an option. The test could be a result from a bad relationship, a failed marriage, health issues, or financial hardship. It's whatever storm or storms that you are going through at that particular time, that moment, that season in your life.

Tests are just like being in school, if you pass the test, you move onward and forward. Until it's time for the next test. But if you don't pass the test, you must retake it over and over again until you pass it. The only thing that exempts you from taking tests, is DEATH. Don't worry, if you die and you are a Christian, you made it to God's "Honor Role" and Jesus' "Dean's List," because your name was written in the "Lamb's Book of Life." Now you are a permanent resident in heaven.

We will always have many tests from God to take, but praise God because He always provide us with tools, tutorials, and mentors to help us get through every test.

Occasionally I still throw a "Pity Part." By the way, just in case you didn't know, I never R.S.V.P. to any of them, they always invite themselves.

Go ahead and pass your test, so we can throw a "Victory Party" in the name of Jesus. Guess what? When I was having my "Pity Party" I was never alone. God was always with me, comforting me.

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