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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Updated: Apr 25, 2020

Paternity Court is a syndicated Reality Court Show in which family lawyer and legal analyst hears and rules on paternity cases and renders DNA test results.

Ancestry .com helps you understand your genealogy. It develops your family tree and takes you back generations.

AncestryDNA, gives you precise geographic detail and gives you clear-cut historical insight, that will connect you to places in the world where your story started.

I have always been curious about my ancestors. I would always interrogate my grandmother about our relatives, especially her parents and grandparents. She could only go back as far as her parents. Her parents were freed slaves from Crawfordville, Georgia. She told me that they walked from Crawfordville to Atlanta and set-up residence in the Buttermilk Bottom area. She had eight siblings and she was number seven. So before my great grandparents, we have no records of our genealogy.

I am okay with that, because there may not be any records tracing my ancestors, I know that they exists or I wouldn’t be here.

If it ever bothers me, I simply open up the Bible and turn to the book of Genesis. The book of Genesis tell us of our Christian spiritual ancestors, starting with Adam and Eve, to Abram, who became Abraham. The lineage extends through the entire Bible. It includes Christ, who grafts even us, the Gentiles into His family lineage and extending it to all who put their trust in Him.

My earthly family tree maybe incomplete with missing ancestors, but that’s okay, because Christ has completed my family tree, through Him and that’s all that matters. I am God’s child and His family tree is my family tree. When I accepted Christ, God accepted me into His family.

Guess what? My DNA results are in. Open the envelope please!

I am not 98.5% or 99.3%, I am 100%, a child of the living King.


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