What is a relationship? A relationship is any connection between two people, which can be positive or negative. To be in a relationship doesn't always mean that there is physical intimacy, commitment, or emotional attachment. There are some very unique and different types of relationships, but the basic types of relationships will usually fall into categories. You have the family relationship, friendships, work related, platonic, situational (situationships), romantic, toxic, casual, codependent, open, sexual, long distance, and acquaintances.
We as human beings are naturally sociable. We all are in some form or in some type of relationship, be it family or otherwise. A good relationship will require trust, respect, communication, and self-awareness.
Trust: When you trust someone, you can be open and honest with them about your thoughts and actions. You shouldn't have to be worried about them being a "back-stabber."
Respect: When there is mutual respect, you will value each other's opinions.
Self-awareness: When there is self-awareness, you will take responsibility for your words and actions. You do not allow your negative emotions to impact the people around you.
Communications: This is extremely important. All good relationships depend on honest and open communications.
What type of relationship do you have with yourself? Your relationship that you have with yourself is very important. We are self-conscious human beings. We think about ourselves. We talk to ourselves. We judge ourselves. We are in a relationship with ourselves, whether we are happy or unhappy with ourselves. Self-esteem is what we think about ourselves. When we have a positive self-esteem, we are confident and have self-respect. We are content with ourselves and our abilities to get things done, because we feel that we are competent. A healthy self-esteem makes our lives feel happy and joyful. It affects events in our life, including our relationships, goals, work, family, ourselves, and God.
When our self-esteem is negative, it affects all of our relationships, including ourselves. We will feel insecure. We will compare ourselves to others. We will doubt and criticize ourselves. We will not even recognize our self-worth nor will we express our own needs and wants. We can't handle or manage our life's disappointments.
What type of relationship do you have with God? Just like you value your relationship with your family, friends, spouse, or significant other, nothing or no one can replace your relationship with God. We were created to have a relationship with God. God requires an intimate relationship with us. He is our heavenly Father and He has plans for our life. "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. You will find me when you seek me, if you look for me in earnest" (Jeremiah 29:11-13).
God is our loving and merciful Father. He created you and me for His purpose. God is love and Jesus came to show us His love. God is our friend and we can go boldly before Him at anytime for any reason. God is sovereign, patient, and kind in dealing with us. God is omnipotent. He is all powerful. God never changes. He is holy. He answers our prayers, according to His will for us. God longs to visit with us. We were created to fellowship with Him. God protects us. God promotes us. God honors us. God lifts us up. We are precious in His sight because He loves us.
Like in any relationship, God wants us to read His love letter to us, the Bible. The Bible teaches us how to have a right and intimate relationship with God. He wants us to talk to Him by praying to Him. When we pray to Him, we are sharing what is on our heart. This is the time when we are spending time with Him, thanking Him and recognizing all He does for us. Then God wants us to listen to Him. He wants to share some intimate things with us that will help us in our life. He wants to provide us guidance for our life and help us to avoid the pitfalls of life. He wants to tell us how much He loves us. He wants us to know that we can trust Him. Scripture reminds us, "If you want favor with both God and man, and a reputation for good judgment and common sense, then trust the Lord completely; don't ever trust yourself. In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success" (Proverbs 3:5-6). When you do this, your relationship with God will be amazing and incredible. A life that only God can fulfill and give you. A life of joy and peace.