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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Yes, 2020 will always be a year to remember. I hope and believe that 2021will be better and brighter. It is hard not to focus on the misfortune that so many people around the world have suffered. There have been massive wildfires, violet storms, and ongoing violence. The ongoing pandemic has killed hundreds of thousands of people. The economy is falling apart, unemployment numbers are massive and rising. The food lines for the needy is growing at a depressed and alarming rate. When you add this last presidential election to the list, with its disputes and complaints, no wonder this was a year of despair.

We as children of God knows that we will rise above this. We know that no matter what's happening in our lives and in this world, right now, through the help of Jesus, a change will come. The Bible clearly reminds us that "the will of God will never take you where the grace of God will not protect you."

So let's move forward into 2021, looking unto God who is the "Author and Finisher" of our fate. Don't ask God why He allowed something to happen, just ask Him what did He want you to learn from what happen.

Don't look back and live in the past of hurt and pain. The hurt and pain is still an open sore, it hasn't scabbed yet. That wound will not heal, if you keep picking at it by touching it.

Don't worry about the next chapter of your life. You must trust the "Author" of your story to make the next chapter better than the last chapter.

Don't worry about what you perceived was an unanswered prayer. When that prayer went from your heart to God's ears, He heard it. Remember prayers doesn't have an expiration date.

So let's close the door on 2020. Opportunities are waiting for you in 2021. Victories are often found in opportunities and opportunities can derived out of problems, difficulties, and challenges. God can take that problem, difficulty, or challenge and turn it into amazing opportunities. So go ahead and walk into VICTORY.

"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness" Isaiah 41:10.

God cannot lie! God will not lie! Enter the year 2021 with the promises of God. Enter, walking in victory!



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