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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Updated: May 3, 2020

There are Apps that represents companies that operates as a same-day grocery delivery and pick-up service. You can shop online and get groceries or other supplies, delivered from stores in your neighborhood in as fast as 1 hour. Or you can choose to pick-up your order at the store, where it’ll be waiting for you.

With everything going on today, my son added one of these Apps on my cell phone. Instead of leaving the house to go grocery shopping, all I need to do is pick up my phone, choose which store I want to shop at, select my items, and add them to my shopping cart. After I have selected my items, I can review my shopping cart, then add items or delete items. Then my shopping is complete. Wow, it was just that simple and I never had to leave the house nor the comfort of my bed.

What I realized in reviewing my cart, that I had chosen more junk items than nutritious and healthy items. I had to reevaluate the items in my cart and that required deleting the poor choices and adding the good nutritious items. The good stuff keeps me lean and trim and healthy whereas the bad stuff, will make me fat and unhealthy. Remember, you are what you eat. After the final review, I proceeded to the checkout.

We as humans, our mind, our body, and our spirit, has the ability to absorbs all kinds of things, if we allow it. Those things that we allow into our mind, body, and spirit, acts like at shopping cart. We are constantly collecting items. Sometimes we will need to do a self-reassessment of what we may be holding within. We have to be very careful about what we put in our carts. Garbage in - Garbage out. As Christians, we want our intake, what we hear and see, to be holy.

We must purge our system of all things that do not represent God. But we must be very careful, once we purge or delete, we must replace it with something that represent God. God is holy and if we belong to him we must present ourselves, holy. We must throw off everything that easily beset us. Every feeling or thought that holds us back. That keeps us from fully reaching our potential in Christ. So whatever garbage we maybe storing, let’s delete it from our mind and let’s replace it with those things that will have us moving toward and forward in Christ.

Let’s review our shopping cart for replacements:


Discourage Encourage

Helpless Capable

Angry Calm

Bitterness Kindness

Defeat Overcome

Doubt Trust

Distress Comfort

Depress Cheer

Shame Embolden

Guilt Innocent

Disgust Love

Failures Accomplishments

Shortcomings Success

Fear Faith

Defenseless Powerful

Hopeless Promising

Now, as we move forward in Christ, we have deleted the unhealthy emotions and feelings and replaced them with healthy emotions and feelings, and the weight of our burdens have been lifted.


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