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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


In the course of a day, sometimes we forget that we have eyes watching us. Who? God is!

God is Omnipotent. He is all powerful. There is no greater power in existence than the power of God. This means that God can do what He wants, when He wants to. God's power is infinite, or limitless.

God is Omniscience. He is all-knowing. God is all knowing. There isn't a single thing that He doesn't know about. He knows our past, present, and future. Nothing takes Him by surprise. His knowledge is total. He knows all that there is to know and all that can be known.

God is Omnipresence. He is all present. God is capable of being everywhere at the same time. It means that His divine presence encompasses the whole universe. There is no location where God does not or cannot inhabit. He is everywhere at once.

So why do you think or believe that you can get away with, or have gotten away with anything?

We as humans do sin. We have faults and we make boo-boo's. I don't want to offend anyone, so if you think that you are perfect, then I am not talking about you. In life, things will happen and they unfortunately happens to us. Paul says in Romans 7:15, "For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I."

There is a forever battle going on, between the flesh and the spirit. That's why we should always pray, and pray without ceasing. I know what you are saying, "that God knows my heart and I really didn't mean to do it, or it wasn't something that I planned on doing, it just happened." Yes, God truly knows your heart and He reminds us that there is nothing good in it.

We belong to God. Our lives are not our own. We have a purpose driven life. We were created for God's purpose. Our purpose is to love God with all of our hearts, all of our minds, and with all of our souls. In doing so, will produce the act of obedience, thereby glorifying God.

We have a Creator who is very interested in us. He sees and knows everything about us, and yet He truly loves us. God watches all of us, constantly. He sees everything! We can't hide from Him or keep any secrets from Him. He even reads our minds and He knows our thoughts.

Yes, God is definitely watching us. We should take great comfort in knowing that God is always there.

Also, remember, we should always watch and pray, because God is watching us. His eyes are always on the sparrow and that sparrow is you.

"For a man's ways are before the eyes of the Lord, and he ponders all his paths" (Proverbs 5:21)

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