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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


I love soul food, do you? To walk into a soul food restaurant, makes me reminisce about my mother’s cooking. Hmmm, collard greens, mac-n-cheese, cornbread, beef roast, and fried chicken. YUMMY! This is making me hungry. Mama’s food was cooked with pure love and the love, along with her cooking skills, made the difference.

Unhealthy food is anything that is bad for us. Spiritually it is gossiping, fighting, being unkind to people, not being authentic (fake). These things drain us because they are all negative.

Junk food is worse than unhealthy food. They have zero nutritional value. Spiritually it’s something like too much social media, and watching negative television shows, watching and listening to explicit movies and music. It is like emotional eating, we try to comfort ourselves, when we try to fill an emptiness or control an emotional pain, by eating junk food, spiritual or physical.

Health Food is anything that makes us better and gives us benefits, for the long term. It’s the food that feeds your body and provides it with the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that it needs and requires. Spiritually it is like inner peace, and spiritual fulfillment.

The Word of God, is the Living Word, and is the Bread of Life. Jesus said in Matthew 4:4, “It’s written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” The Word of God literally feeds our souls. It is the original, and true “Soul Food.” How do we get this “Soul Food?” Simply by reading the Word of God. Don’t just read it, meditate on it. When you meditate on God’s word, He will illuminate His word to you. I will usually say a prayer before I read the Bible. It helps me set the mood, because when I read the Bible, I want to present to God that I am in learning mode. I am a student and He is my Teacher. I want God to pour into my spirit, because I need him to feed me, emotionally and spiritually. There are many Biblical instructors, but He is “The Instructor”. When you come before Him, earnestly and thirsty, you will have a different mindset, because this is a way for your spirit to commune with Him. God will breathe his Word into you and they will feel like they are jumping off of the pages, because God is the “Living Word”. This “word” will come alive and give you an indescribable peace in whatever situation you may be going through. It provides you comfort in the midst of a storm. You could be in the middle of a cyclone, with chaos surrounding you, but nothing can touch you, when you are in the peace and comfort of God. This “soul food," this “Bread of Life," is the Word of Jesus. John 6:35, “Then Jesus declared, 'I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”

The Word of God is our “soul food”. This food nourishes our bodies and souls with nutritional “spiritual” food. It’s food that cannot be purchased and it will never spoil. It is food that endures to eternal life and only Jesus can provide this.


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