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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Spring is approaching us and some of us are thinking about what are we going to plant in our gardens.  Well, I am trying to decide if I am going to plant a garden this year.

It doesn't matter what vegetables or plants you decide on planting this year, or if you will be gardening this year.  What we should know that there are three things that we need to know, in order to grow a successful garden: Water, Sunlight, and Soil.

As Christians, we need the same three ingredients for successful growth: Water, Sunlight, and Soil.  How?

1)  Soil - Plants and vegetables need a good foundation of soil to start their growth. The good soil helps them to extend their roots.  Just like Christians.  Our "soil", our foundation, is Jesus.  Christ nurtures us and supports us.  He gives us a place to extend our roots in safety.

"Abide in me and I in you.  As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine;...." John 15:4

Just like a plant or vegetable, need a nutrient rich soil to thrive, Christ gives his children every possible nutrient we would ever need to thrive; Peace, Love, Encouragement, and Wisdom, and His supplies are unlimited.

2) Sunlight - "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path". Psalm 119:105

The Bible is our sunlight.  Plants and vegetables grow towards the light.  They long for warmth and strength that only the sunlight can give.

As children of God, we should always want to lean toward the light, that is His word for guidance and strength.  His Word gives us warmth and comfort in times of struggle, and lead us on the clear path in times of doubt.

3) Water - Last, but not least, plants and vegetables need water to sustain them and to make them grow.

"But whoever drinks this water I give him will never thirst.  Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14

Water is liken to the Holy spirit and He replenish us daily.  He gives us everything that we need for our daily walk.

But there is something else  we desperately need in this life after we receive water, sunlight, and soil, weeding.  Don't Forget the Weeds.

Weeds will pop-up in our gardens, both in real life and in our spiritual life.

Weeds come in all shapes, colors, and sizes.  The worst weed is Satan and he has an army.  Sometimes they are easy to spot and sometimes they are not.  Sometimes, they may show up as wayward friends or show up as feelings of bitterness and anger.

Weeds  will choke your plants and vegetables, making it difficult for them to grow.  Weeds work the same way in our lives.  They distract us from Christ; having us to pour our vital nutrients into them instead of our Christian growth.

So strengthen yourselves with good soil,( that is Christ), sunlight form above, (that is His Word), and refreshing water, (that is His Spirit, the Holy Spirit), so that you may find yourselves with strong roots that dig deep down into a solid foundation, with a close spiritual walk with our Father, through Jesus Christ.


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