God did not bring you this far to leave you. Life is like the ocean and the sea. One day it's calm and tranquil. Then another day it seems as though, rough tides out of nowhere comes rushing in on you without any warning. The sea of humanity is so very unpredictable.
Throughout your years, there have been those who started out with you that has gone overboard. Don't worry, they were supposed to. Those that are in your life, they are supposed to be on your ship, right now are present and accounted for. If it's God's will, He will send you others to fill the void.
You just need to "stay on board." If you haven't started the preparation for the storm, then do so. Being in the security of the Lord doesn't guarantee you that the storm will go the other way.
In order to "stay on board," storm preparation is a must. Storm preparation begins with being in a relationship with God, through Jesus Christ. Proactive Christians don't wait until high tides overtake and drown them, before accepting Jesus' offer, "come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28).
Storm preparation means "praying without ceasing." This is simply a continuous prayer life, talking to God and listening to the voice of God.
Storm preparation also means fellowshipping with the saints, "that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel." (Philippians 1:27)
Storm preparation is not without toil, sweat, and tears. We are to cry out loud, "there is a storm out in the ocean and it's moving this way."
"Stay on board!" Storms are raging all around you. During the course of your life, I am sure you have had to endure some awful storms. Those storms have the ability to shake your foundation to the core, but Jesus is stronger than any storm.
In Acts 27, Apostle Paul became shipwrecked on the island of Malta, in route to Italy. He found himself in the storm of his life. If Paul was here today he would probably say, the storm that I had as Saul can't compare to the storms I experienced after I was commissioned to go unto the Gentiles. Paul was literally in a physical storm.
Paul's storm was of major proportions according to today's standards. Paul was in this storm by appointment. This storm was not to increase Paul's faith. This storm was an opportunity for Paul to use his faith, because Paul was the Lord's ambassador to represent Him in the storm.
God allows the storms in our lives, but God's joy brings renewed mercies everyday. Whatever storm that is raging in your life, "stay on board." Dark clouds may rise and strong winds may blow, but "stay on board." Storms raging against us in a variety of ways. Through finances, marriages, relationship, jobs, church, health, children, etc.
But know this, I am convinced that out of the worst storm, God's purpose will be fulfilled. God is able to turn your bad days unto good days. Your bad thoughts into pleasant ones. Just "stay on board.!"