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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Updated: Feb 16, 2021

“A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones" Ecclesiastes 3:5.

When planting my flowers or preparing my garden, I always have to take extra time to remove some stones. I plant in the same place every year and every year there is another stone that wasn’t there the previous year. My yard seems to have stones of every size and shape.

In life, we will come across many stones. Sometimes we will have to clear our lives of the stones and other times we will need to gather stones, for some useful purpose, thus, a time to scatter, and a time to gather. It appears that not only is my garden being fruitful, in flowers and vegetables, but the stones as well.

The symbolism of stones centers on ideas of endurance, stability, and permanence. They represent the ability to be grounded and connected with the earth. Stones are strong, versatile, and easily accessible.

There is a time for everything and timing is important. The secret to peace with God is to discover, accept, and appreciate God’s perfect timing.

Some stones may be thrown at us. They are meant to cause us harm; however, some stones are meant to help us.

We can take those stones that are meant to hurt us and cause us pain, and use them as stepping stones. Not everyone is saved, and sometimes saved people, (Christians) acts like they are unsaved. People will try to sabotage you at every chance. They will try to trip you up, damage your reputation, they will lie on you, and they will commit character assassination. Everyone that smiles in your face is not on your side. Some of them will have wrong motives and evil intent behind their actions toward you. Their motives are unjust and unfair. They will use words, actions or circumstances, to wound you. They will use any method deemed necessary to attack you.

Whatever stones that they throw your way, with the help of Jesus, you can take those stones, that were meant to be road blocks and stumbling blocks, to be used as stepping stones. Joseph is an excellent example of people throwing stones to hurt him. But, God took those stones and they became his bridge to save his people. Those stones became his stepping stones. In Genesis 50:20, Joseph told his brothers, “As far as I am concerned, God turned into good what you meant for evil…”

When people throw stones your way, to hurt you, to hinder you, to trip you, to devastate you, through the help of God, those stones can be used to elevate you, to strengthen you, to enrich you, to prosper you, and to elevate you. Now, those stones that have been thrown at you, you can pile them up, as stepping stones. This will or can take you to a higher elevation. From an “on the ground” position, to a “watch tower” position. From the ground, you can only see on eye level. At a “watch tower” position, you can see all around you, including watching those on the ground. You will have the advantage. You can be an “ant” or an “eagle.” As an ant, you will have an “on the ground” mentality, but as an “eagle”, you can soar to higher heights.

People will throw stones. With God and through God, when they wish to hurt you, God can turn it around for your good.

When people throw stones, please don’t discard them, just pile them up and let them be your stepping stones, stepping into your purpose.

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