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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Sustain means to support something or keep it going. If you get hungry in the mid-afternoon, you might try snacking to sustain your energy through dinner. Beams and rafters sustain a roof, they keep it up.

Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved” (Psalm 55:22).

This is a particular season that we can say that we all are having difficulties enduring. This season where life is hard and we are so tired, some of us are unsure if we can take any more. Be it COVID-19, a sickness, a job loss, a divorce, or a death. We are tired and the fatigue remains.

My prayers seem to be more fervent during this type of season, and I am begging God to please deliver me out of this season. I have my Bible open and then I scan Psalm 55, and my eyes rests on “Cast your burden onto the Lord, and he will sustain you“. I cry out, “Lord, I have been casting my burdens on you. I have given them all to you. I am waiting on you to help me.” Then in the midst of my childish rant, the Holy Spirit graciously focus my heart and mind on the latter half of this line: “…and he will sustain you.”

There is only One, who is the foundation that sustains the world. There is only One, who sustains every one of our loads. There is only One, who has the rope that can sustain our weight to reel us in, when we feel as though we are falling off the cliff. The only One who does all of this, is a “SUSTAINER”. Our SUSTAINER is JESUS!

God is our support! Jesus made sure of this and the Holy Spirit makes sure we get this support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year, including leap year. We are never without support from the Lord who is our Sustainer.

God’s grace is sufficient for me and you. Jesus promise to give us one day at a time. God meets all of our needs everyday. His grace is available for us today. His power is made perfect in our weakness. We just need to wait on Him.

We must go to God and lift our cares from off of us and give them to Him. Not only is God able to carry our burdens, but He can carry us too.

Heartache! Loss! Pain! Trials! Uncertainty! There is a guarantee we will have to face these during our lifetime. There is rarely a warning before our lives are turned upside down. One thing for sure and the only thing that we know is that God knows all. God is never surprised by what we are going through. He knew the exact moment that we would be presented with those hard things of life, They were not a coincidence, and He has equipped us to handle them.

God knows every detail of our entire story. He knows when we will hurt. When we will grieve. When we will have doubts and questions.

We just need to cast our cares on Jesus. Give Him your burdens. He will take care of you. He will not permit His children to slip or fall. “I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you: I will sustain you and I will rescue you” (Isaiah 46:4).

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