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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Updated: May 29, 2020

Have you seen anyone throw a temper tantrum? For those of you who have never experienced the performance of a temper tantrum, you have missed an act of its finest. A tantrum, temper tantrum, or a hissy fit is an emotional outburst, that is usually associated with those in emotional distress. It is associated or characterized by stubbornness, crying, screaming, violence, defiance, angry ranting, and in some cases, hitting. Now, did I just hit home with you?

Oh, did you think that I was going to say that my grandson did this? Yes, my grandson does throw temper tantrums and so does his grandmother. WHAT? Yes, I do, occasionally. We all are guilty of this great emotional outburst. Adults have temper tantrums too. Adult tantrums happen when our “inner child” acts out. When we as adults have unmet needs, we fall back into the mode of a child having a temper tantrum. As adults, we will play a totally different game in the tantrum, especially when we don’t get what we want.

The Bible is full of adults throwing temper tantrums. Take the story of Samson and Delilah for example, in the Book of Judges. Delilah asked Samson what was the secret to his strength. Samson lied and told her “if he was bound with seven fresh bowstrings, then he would become as weak as other men”. Samson lied. Delilah performed the act. Each time Delilah had a tantrum. Samson lied to Delilah three times. When Delilah had that major meltdown, the ultimate temper tantrum of all tantrums, Samson gave in to her and revealed the truth. You know the end of the story. If not, please refer to the Book of Judges (13-16 chapters).

James 4:1-2 says, “Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask.”

One of the best, real life adult temper tantrums, is found in the viral Vine of the Apple Store lady. This went viral with over 31 million views. We all throw tantrums. I just do mine in private and I am throwing a fit in front of God and I can hear Him saying, “She is going to be alright, just let her finish and allow her to get it off of her chest.” My melt-down or tantrum, if I can call it that, happens when I am faced with intense persecution. As a child of God, I know that we all have been introduced to Mr. Persecution.

Yes, we want what we want. So when we can’t get it, some of us throw tantrums. Some can control them, and others can’t.

Apostle James went straight to the heart of sin. When mankind can’t get what they want, they simply do what they think is necessary to acquire it. The unsaved man will take it. Some may take it through theft; others may commit murder; some commit adultery; some fraud; some by lying; and, sometimes people will do anything necessary to get what they want, by any means necessary. They don’t care who they may hurt or who they may step on, or whose life maybe destroyed. They want it regardless of the price.

As a Christian, and through the help of God, we can overcome those desires. God can help us overcome anything that hinders us from shining.

Thank you heavenly Father, for your endless supply of grace and mercy.

We all may throw a temper tantrum, for one reason or another. It’s the reason for the tantrum that creates the sin.

I praise God for his amazing grace that is extended to you and me, in the midst of our meltdowns and our temper tantrums.

So, the next time that you may feel that tantrum coming on, just replace that negative energy with a positive energy, and go ahead and get your Praise on.

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