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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Thank you , two simple words that express your gratitude toward someone’s kindness toward them.

Thank you, two simple words that is an expression of thanks, thoughtfulness.

Thank you, two simple words made up of eight letters that represents an expression of appreciation.

It is appropriate in nearly any situation and it is a better response than most of the things we say.

The bible says “always give thanks to God for everything.” Ephesians 5:19-20

Are you truly thankful to God? Do you thank God for everything?

The Good? The Bad? The Ugly?

Someone wrote, that they had a dream that they went to Heaven and an angel was giving them a tour. They walked walked down a vast corridor. Their guide stopped at a doorway and gestured for her to enter. Inside was a massive workroom was filled with angels bustling about,

What is this room, she asked? “This is the receiving room”, my angel explained. “Here, from all over the world, prayers to God are received.”

She looked at all of the angels, sorting hand written petitions, piles and scraps of paper from all over the world.

She was so impressed by both, the order and the chaos of this busy workroom.

The angel continued her tour down the corridor until they reached a second doorway.

The angel turned to her and said, “This is the packaging and delivery room. Here, the graces and blessings that the worlds’s people requested are processed and sent for delivery.”

Again, she couldn’t help but be impressed by how busy the room was.

Angels were everywhere, darting here and there, packaging the blessings for delivery to the people on the Earth. God’s children, who have been pouring their hearts out for help and comfort.

Again, she couldn’t help but be impressed by how busy the room was.

Then the angel continued the tour, downward until they arrived at the farthest end of the corridor.

To her surprise, there was only one angel. The angel was sitting all alone looking very bored, idled with nothing to do.

She turned to her touring guide and asked the question, “what is this room?”

“This is the acknowledgement room,” the angel replied. She wanted to know why this angel have nothing to do. Why was this angel sitting idly? The touring angel and the angel in the room became embarrassed. He said, “It’s very sad, after the people received their blessings that they ask God for, very few of them send back an acknowledgement.” She said, you mean that they don’t say thank you.” He said, “that’s correct.”



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