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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


An all purpose cleaner is a multi-purpose liquid, spray-on cleaner that can be used on several types of dirt. It is one of the most common products used by a detailer.

It sounds like a wonderful and awesome product: the all purpose cleaner (or multi-purpose cleaner) that typically does away with many of the hassles associated with cleaning. There is no need to store five separate bottles of expensive cleaning products, when just the one will do. No more reading instruction labels to see what cleans what, just take the all purpose cleaner and spray. And wala!

What does an all purpose cleaner do? In short, an all purpose cleaner is designed to be used on many different surfaces and for a variety of cleaning tasks around the house. There is actually, no standard set of ingredients for those types of cleaners, but they act as either a disinfectant, detergent, degreaser, or solvent or a combination of all of those.

Doesn’t this sounds absolutely amazing? There is only ONE that can clean anything and everything. His cleaning abilities is better, far more excellent than any man-made product. I am talking about the amazing “Wonder Cleaner," the original “All Purpose Cleaner”, and His name is JESUS!

J-E-S-U-S: Jesus-Erases-Sins-Ugly Sins.

J-E-S-U-S: Jesus-Erases-Sins-Undisclosed-Sins.

J-E-S-U-S: Jesus-Erases-Sins0Unacceptable-Sins.

J-E-S-U-S: Jesus-Erases-Sins-Unimaginable-Sins.

J-E-S-U-S: Jesus-Erases-Sins-Unquestionable-Sins.

God promised a day when He would completely purify us. “Then it will be as though I had sprinkled clean water on you, for you will be clean-your filthiness will be washed away, your idol worship gone. And I will give you a new heart - I will give you new and right desires — and put a new spirit within you. I will take out your stony hearts of sin and give you new hearts of love. And I will put my Spirit within you so that you will obey my laws and do whatever I command” Ezekiel 36:25-27.

Sin has soiled us and God promises to wash us. He promised that our bodies will be cleanse, our minds will be cleansed, and our hearts will be cleansed. Cleansed from what?

Our bodies bears the filth of sin. Our bodies are the temple of the lIving God. It carries a stain and a stench that soap can’t remove. Only Jesus can erase the guilt and shame that pollutes our bodies.

Our minds becomes filled with evil thoughts. Wrong attitudes contaminate our minds. We become trapped by images from what we read and what we watch in the movies and on television. God can change our thought process.

Our unclean heart! Sin is originated in our hearts. The natural inclination from the natural man/woman, lives inside us. Only Jesus, himself can purify us. “…Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean, wash me, and I will be whiter than snow” (Psalm 51:7).

The Holy Spirit can and will wash away the stench from our body, mind, heart and soul. God is the original “ All Purpose Cleaner”.


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