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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


What is a lie? A lie is an assertion that is believed to be false, typically used with the purpose of deceiving someone. The practice of communicating lies is called lying. A person who communicates a lie is called a liar.

If the truth isn't spoken, then it's a lie. A lie is a lie. A little lie is a lie, A white lie is a lie. A half truth is a lie. A hidden truth is a lie. A lie of omission is a lie. A lie is a lie!

Why do we lie? We lie to save face, to avoid hurting someone's feelings, to impress people, to avoid our responsibilities, to hide our wrongs, and for so many other reasons. Sometimes we tell simple lies to answer simple questions, like: How are you? I'm fine. LIE! Do you love me? Of course I love you. LIE! We even lie to ourselves.

Guess what I discovered? Our brain is stimulated when we life. Our brain has the ability to suppress the truth. No! Oh, yes! Our brain is capable of dishonesty, because of its intellectual role. Did you know that our brains creates anxiety that comes with deception? Yes, the limbic system, known as our "spiderman sense," perks up, just as we feel guilty or stressed when we are doing the dirty deed of lying. Then the part of our brain that is responsible for retrieving our memories and creating mental imagery gets involved in this game of lying. Wow, our brain gets really busy when we tell lies!

Let me share with you a few lies that made history:

The Watergate Scandal - In May 1972, five men broke into the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate building in Washington DC to bug office phones and steal confidential documents. The authorities discovered that these men worked for President Nixon's re-election campaign. The Washington Post exposed the president's cover-up, thanks to an anonymous whistleblower from the FBI. Nixon's lies and deception wasn't enough to keep the truth from coming out. He became the first U.S. president to ever resign from their term in office.

The Ponzi Scheme - Charles Ponzi, an Italian immigrant, made a fortune off lying to people. In fact, he was so good at deception that the government named a type of fraud after him - the Ponzi scheme.

Ponzi tricked thousands of New England residents into investing in a postage stamp speculation scheme. Each time a new investor gave him money, he'd use those funds to pay off earlier investors to create the illusion that they were profiting from a legitimate business. At the height of his scam, he raked in $250.000 a day, about $3 million in today's money. But his days of scheming and scamming caught up to him in August of that same year, when he was charged with 86 counts of mail fraud.

Do you know the greatest lie ever told? Satan trying to convince people that God doesn't exist. Believe it or not, so many people really believe him. Some of those people are called atheists. An Atheist is a person who does not believe in the existence of a god or any gods. Then there are others that are called agnostics. They leave the question open as to whether there is a god or not, professing to find the question unanswered or unanswerable. In other words, they can't decide if God is real or not.

Then there are those who say they believe in God, but deny that He is the God that is described in the Bible. "Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?" (Exodus 15:11)

I believe every word in the Bible about how amazing my God is and what He has done. I can look at my own life and truly know who I serve and whose I am. I fully embrace the awesomeness of God. I serve a saving God. My God is a God that delivers. He is all-powerful and all-mighty.

God is faithful to reveal Himself to every generation in His own way. He lets us know that He can be trusted and that He is the God of our salvation. There is no one like the Lord our God. His ways, His wonders, His love for us, should leave us in awe.

The devil, who is our enemy, has a very bad plan for people's life. DESTRUCTION! He is the Biggest Liar ever! God calls for us to "be alert and of sober mind," watching out for the schemes of the devil who "prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour" (1 Peter 5:8). He wants to devour our lives, keeping us from having a relationship with Jesus.

There are two things that a liar can't stand: (1) That you know that they are a liar; (2) When you don't believe the lies that they are telling you. Satan, you are a liar!

Satan is the biggest liar of them all! Don't believe a word that he says!

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