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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Pastor, Dr. Tony Evans, has stated that his late wife gave him a small peek into heaven before she died. Some of you who may not believe it, but I do. I am confirming it’s possibility, because it happened to me. About two weeks before my husband passed, he gave me a peek into heaven. He was at that stage where he didn’t talk much. He kept his eyes closed most of the time, and I kept the house quiet. Quiet from all noise and sounds. I guess that is what God wanted me to do. On one particular day, I was sitting by his side, he opened his eyes and said, “the waterfalls there are indescribable and absolutely beautiful there. They are unlike anything you have ever seen.” He then closed his eyes and remained quiet for a while. Then he reopened them and said, “the flowers there are so beautiful and they are edible and truly delicious.” I just smiled and nodded my head and said, “really baby.” He said, “yes.” He closed his eyes again, and later, as I continued to sit by his side, he opened his eyes again and said, “there is an eternal choir there. It is really eternal! The choir sounds so wonderful and oh, those songs. Those songs are unlike anything that I have ever heard. Will you sing me one of those songs, for me.“ I looked at him with tears in my eyes and asked him, “have we ever heard one of those songs before?” He simply answered, “no.” I then replied, “I am so sorry baby, I am unable to sing you one of those songs.” He just nodded his head with a reply, that’s okay.

Revelation 5:9 says, “And they sung a new song, saying, Thou are worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation"; The song of the Living Beings and Elders recounts the work of Christ, for which they praise Jesus.

He (1) was slain, (2) bought them with his blood, (3) gathered them into a kingdom, (4) made them priests, and (5) appointed them to reign upon the earth.

There are songs which you only sing while in the valley. Like there are prayers that you only pray while in the valley. There are songs of personal experiences, that express our burden, or take us through them.

Maybe God allowed my late husband to hear the angels sing heavenly songs of triumph, and hymns of victory, about Christ that has set us free.

But from our triumph, comes the memory of life’s difficulties. No one can sing our song of difficulties and burdens like us. No one can understand those pains and chains, but the children of the cross. It is like receiving a music lesson from the Heavenly Father, and being educated and prepared by Jesus for the heavenly choir. As we journey through this life, we are being prepared to be a part of a symphony, that no one can be prepared for but you. The Father is preparing us, and He is training us for our part of His choir, and no one can sing our part but us. When we went to the grade school of sorrow, high school of disappointment, and the college of adversity. Each grade level brought us some pain, rejection, accusations, mistreatments, abuse, slander, and deception.

God sent those things to help educate us, to prepare us, and train us, for His choir. At night and during the nights, He was preparing us for our special song. While we were in the valley, He was helping us to tune our song, because it was out of tune. Maybe, there were chords to minor, maybe some had heights that were above scale. While we were in the storm of life, He taught us some melodies, as well. While we were in the heat of things, He gave our voice some stamina, for endurance. Through all of those things, He gave us hope through faith. From the trials to the hope, He trained our voice for our own song, for our unique part of His heavenly choir. And when our time is up here, we will be ready for our perfect spot in heaven, with our perfect voice, for His perfect harmonic Heavenly Choir. The “Eternal” choir. Our song will be a song worth singing. Our “LIFE” is our “SONG”.

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