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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


My Christian journey has been bittersweet. Most times it feels as though I am on a continuous climb. Sometimes like climbing a mountain and sometimes like climbing stairs.

Our journey affects us physically, spiritually, psychologically, and emotionally. You would think because you love the Lord so much, that this journey would be easy. You would think that it would be easy like riding a bicycle, right. You just jump on the bike and ride. Well, it is kinda, except this ride isn’t always smooth. The journey is like the road less traveled. Sometimes it is smooth and sometimes bumpy and sometimes the roads are straight and some roads are crooked and some are narrow. Sometimes while you are traveling there will be some short-cuts and some detours.

The Christian journey is bitter and yet sweet. It is at times hard and difficult. It can be frustrating and it can be frightening, too. Sometimes you may have doubts, climbing that mountain or stairs and you will feel absolutely exhausted.

Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” (Matthew 7:13-13) It wasn’t easy for the saints in the Bible either. They knew best of all that this Christian journey was like mountain climbing. Their path to God was frightening and came tempting with some doubt. But they also knew something else too: it’s worth it.

Sometimes in our daily life, or in our prayers, we feel so close to God, like we can touch the hem of His garment. We have that deep experience with God, we feel lifted with a precious divine feeling. We wish that that feeling could remain with us at all times, but His Spirit is in us.

Our journey will have some hardships, some sacrifices, and there will be many struggles. There have been storms and storms to come. But we must continue the journey, determined to press onward and toward our pre-ordained destination until we are welcomed home.

As we make the pilgrimage journey, we should always know that we are not alone. Jesus is always beside us, and He never gets tired, afraid, confused, or lost. He is there with us personally. When we are weary and worried, He refreshes us and comfort us. When we feel all beat-up, broken and bruised, He restores us.

When we are lonely, God is our friend. When we are tired, He gives us strength. When we are hungry for Him, He allows us to experience the Bread of Life, by feeding us. When we are insecure, we discover what it is like for Him to sustain us, as our security blanket. When we are empty, He fills us up. We learn that God alone, is our Provision.

Some journeys are short and some are long. Some journeys are hard and some not so hard. But it’s my journey and you have your journey and each of our journeys are uniquely designed and routed for each of us.

My journey has not been easy, but is has been pretty wonderful and absolutely beautiful, and may I say, it was worth every step that I have made and will continue to make. When I thought life was too hard and I could not go on, I knew that Jesus had picked me up and carried me.

Yes, this journey as a believer is a lifelong one and it will end in the kingdom of heaven. After all, I am HEAVEN BOUND!

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