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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


What is a “Compass”? A “compass” is a tool used to show directions. It has a needle that spins and always points north. You can turn the compass so that the needle points north on the dial. If you know you should be heading southwest, then you can head in the right direction.

Have you ever been lost before? I have! I was leaving a client’s house one day and the traffic was backed-up from an accident. So, I got off at the next exit, and started following the majority of the cars off the expressway. I realized that I was in a foreign territory. In other words, I was lost. I panicked and began to call on the name of Jesus, for help. He immediately calmed me down and completely took control. It was Jesus that lead me to a familiar street, that allowed me to get home without further delays and safely.

The handy compass will help us find our way if we do get lost and will keep you from wondering around hopelessly. God also, gives us a spiritual compass to find our way through this life’s journey. The guide, this compass, is the Holy Spirit. When we don’t know which way to turn, the Holy Spirit is always there for us, to point us in the right direction.

The Holy Spirit helps us understand God’s Word, which always points us in the right direction. It points us to Jesus, who is “the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” Whenever you don’t know which way to turn, we can always turn to God’s Word and let the Holy Spirit be our guide.

The Holy Spirit abides with us and teaches us and reminds us all what Jesus said, “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you” (John 14:26).

Jesus is our “compass”. Whenever we need answers, we can go to His Word. Whenever we need directions, we can look up and call upon His name and His Spirit will guide us. Jesus has always been and will always be the ONE who guides us, especially when we are unsure which way to go. Jesus is the ONE who loves me when I feel unlovable; the ONE who encourages me when I am questioning myself, my choices, and expressing my concerns; and He is the ONE who promises me and you, that He would never leave us nor forsake us. Jesus is the ONE and only “Compass” that we will ever need.

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