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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Your brain is a super computer and it is powerful and amazing. The brain weighs just 3 pounds and it is a wrinkly pink organ that feels like a mushroom. It is 6 inches long, 5.5 inches wide and nearly 4 inches deep.

It control everything you do from thinking, learning, feeling emotions, even breathing and your heart rate. The brain is so very complex.

There are neurons in your brain that tell everything what to do. They send information to your brain at more that 150 miles per hour. Your brain NEVER stops working. There are literally heaps of messages that charge around your brain every second just like a pinball machine.

The right side of the brain talks to the left side of the body and tells it what to do, and the left side of the brain talks to the right side of the body.

You literally have about 70,000 thoughts each day! WOW! What in the world are you thinking about? EVERYTHING!

Our enemy has a multitude of ways by which he seeks to influence our thought process. He uses schemes, temptations and deceptions. Ephesians 6:16 talks about those fiery darts thrown at us by the devil. This is the attempt to seek to control or influence our minds through what we see, read, or hear.

We sometimes wonder where do some of our thoughts come from. Satan and his demons are involved in tempting people. Jesus was tempted in the wilderness. So I think we can truly say that Satan leads us into temptation.

James 1:14 says, "But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust; and enticed." Satan simply seeks to influence that nature in any way that he can. He can recognize what we are thinking in many ways, that may appear like he is "reading our mind." It is obvious that he observes our actions and reactions. Our actions and reactions are an outward expression of our thoughts. He plants seeds in our mind through things that we hear from friends, through social media, radio, news, TV, and anything else. When lust is conceived it brings forth sin.

Once that seed is received or planted and is watered through those different mediums, it grows in our mind and heart. When that thought is developed, we find ourselves asking, "where did that thought come from?" It was developed from the seed that was planted, without your permission, and you didn't even notice it.

Satan cannot do anything to us without our permission and cooperation. The words that we speak are expressions of our thoughts. The thoughts can be inspired by God or the devil. We are spiritual (spirit and soul) with a physical body. In this physical world, we express the spiritual part of us through our physical body. We use words, gestures and facial expressions. All of these of physical expressions are from our spiritual thoughts and emotions.

In Matthew 10:16, Jesus tells us " ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves." He was telling us that we can learn to discern the beguiling ways and methods of the serpent. Jesus in the Lord's prayer, calls for us to pray that we may not be led into temptation, but delivered from the evil one.

Satan doesn't speak to us spirit to spirit, but God speaks to us spirit to spirit. We must learn to discern and recognize who is speaking to us.

Luke 10:19 says, "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you." It doesn't matter what device or trick he may use, we have the power to resist him. He needs your permission to cooperate with him, but remember he comes to kill, steal, and destroy.

We as Christians should seek to build our life in sanctification, to pursue pure thoughts through reading of Scripture and through prayer.

We have been given victory over Satan! Jesus and the Word, and the Spirit of our Father, are with us continually, leading and guiding us to the truth and the truth sets us free.

So, did the devil make you do it?

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