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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Updated: May 3, 2020

The Energizer Bunny is the marketing icon and mascot of Energizer batteries. It is a pink mechanical toy rabbit wearing sunglasses, and blue and black flip-flops, that beat a drum and marches back and forth. While the bunny is marching, you can see the source of his power and it is the Energizer battery.

For the bunny to be effective, it needs a power source that will keep going and going, long after the power from other sources has run out.

We as Christians, sometimes feel that we are running in place. It seems like the harder we try, the less effective we become. It’s easy to throw up our hands and say, “Well, I gave it my best,” and then sit back in defeat and give up. Anyone can quit, but it takes something special to press on against all odds.

When we accepted Jesus as our personal Savior, we were baptized in the Holy Spirit. Jesus promised all believers, that when we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we shall receive power. We have the power of His Spirit, and that’s the anointing of God, upon our lives. Without the Holy Spirit operating in our lives, we can’t succeed, but with Him, we have already succeeded.

When we can point to our own strength, our own skills, our own charisma or personality, as the source of our success, then how does GOD get the glory? But when we can confess that without Him we could do nothing, and we would be nothing, headed nowhere, then any good that we have done, we did it through God and God alone. Any accomplishments, any measure of success, anything of merit, it all comes from the touch of God, through His Spirit, and to GOD be all the glory, honor, and praise.

The Holy Spirit is our energy source, we just need to take a moment to plug-in and recharge.

So let’s reboot our system, and plug into The Power Source, and just like the Energizer Bunny, let’s just keep, Going, Going, and Going for Jesus.

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