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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Updated: May 7, 2020

“Like sands through the hourglass, so are that days of our lives.”

This is the opening tagline of the long running daytime soap opera, The Days of Our Lives.

The hourglass is usually a symbol of time of our life and when the sand has ran out, it’s death.

Like the sand or grains in a hourglass, so are our days numbered. Time, like life, once it’s gone, it’s gone. You can’t get it back. If you are a Chrisitian, when we lose this life on this side, we will gain an eternal life on the other side, in heaven. Heaven is a prepared place for prepared people.

Time is a very valuable commodity. The Greeks used two words for time, chronos and kairus. Chronos is chronological time. It’s measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years. Kairus is used for a window of time. The best way to describe it, “a window of opportunity.”

Sometimes, we lose time, we get stuck in time, and we waste time. We use the word, time in so many sentences, everyday: don’t waste my time; time heals all wounds; only time will tell; there is no time like the present; and I wouldn’t give him the time of day.

Sometimes, all we need is a little time during the day for, quality time, quiet time, and time to relax. No matter what, time is a true commodity and time is truly fleeing.

The days passes and the months passes and we realize that we have wasted time and probably have missed some opportunties. Please don’t beat yourself up about this, because if you trust in Jesus, and allow Him to be your Time Manager, He can turn your mismanagement of time into a time manager’s dream. After all He is “The Creator of Time” and “The Manager of Time”.

A hourglass of life, is created for each and everyone of us, beginning from the day that we are born, and from that day forward, the hourglass is flipped to start the countdown of life and the sand begins to drip or tricket into the next glass. Each grain represents every second, every minute, every hour, and every day of our life, slowly ebbing away. The white glistening sand slowly tricket out endlessly marching towards the end of our life. When the last grain of sand has dripped out of the hourglass, so ends our life.

When our time is up, “like sands through the hourglass, those WERE the days of our life.”

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