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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


I keep all of my extra keys on a single, huge circular key holder or key chain. I am trying to find a particular key to a padlock, but for the life of me, I am unable to find that one key.

Keys are complicated. How could they not be? Their jobs are to keep people and their property safe and provide a way for our family to have safe shelter. Keys are not one size fits all. You have one key for your front door. You have one specific key for your car. You have another key for your back door. You may even have a lock box key.

You may be surprised to find just how many different types of keys there are out there.

The Master Key System is exactly what it sounds like: one “Master” key that unlocks a lock. Master key systems allow one or more keys to open a single lock. If a key is able to open more than one lock, it is considered the master key. What’s the point of this? A designated person has a master key that can access certain locks with a single key, made for more than one door with different locks. That person is Jesus. He is the “master” key.

Jesus is the key, “….He who is holy, who is true, who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, and who shuts and no one opens…” Revelation 3:7. Jesus is the “Living One”, said in the Book of Revelation 1:18, that He was dead and behold, He is alive, forevermore, and He has the keys of death and of Hades.

We become so involved in living our lives, that we forget who is the Head of our lives. Most people think that a good life is having a family, a house or houses, a car or cars, multiple bank accounts, investments, and a good job. To some, this is defined as the “key” to success. We become so caught in trying to find the “key” to success, we forget who is the “key” for success.

Take the story of Mary and Martha, for instance. When Jesus visited Mary and Martha at their home, Martha was so busy getting food ready that she wasn’t focused on her guest. Mary, Martha’s sister sits on the floor listening to Jesus talk. But Martha was worrying over the dinner that she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, “Sir, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister is just sitting there while I am doing all of the work?” Can you hear Jesus’ voice saying, “Martha,…there is only one thing worth being concerned about and Mary has discovered it.” You see we become so involved in busy-work, that we are no longer busy for and to God. Jesus is the “key” that opens every door of possibilities and success. He is the "key” to everything and anything.

Jesus is the Master Key. He provides the security that is possible for us. He is the door of trust. He is the door that we can walk through, for success and safety. He is the Master “Key” System.

That’s the story of our life. We search for happiness and the fulfillment of life in everything, but we discover that we never can obtain the “fulfillment” of life without Jesus. Jesus is the “locksmith”, that unlocks the door, because without Him we are “locked-out” of life and it’s fulfillment. Jesus is the”Grand Master Key”, and this “key” gets us access, to the open door of our heavenly Father. Without access through Jesus, the door can’t be opened. Jesus is the “key” that opens the door to heaven for us.

God used the last “key” of hope. Jesus was the last key in the bunch that can open the door. What door? He opens the gates that leads to the door, the door to heaven.

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