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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


I heard the knock at my door. At first it was barely audible. I became very quiet, I wanted to make sure that my ears wasn’t playing tricks on me. “Knock, Knock, Knock!” There is was again. Who could be knocking on my door? “Knock, Knock, Knock!” Finally, I whispered to myself, I wonder whose there? I could hear a faint whisper, as a reply. I couldn’t quite understand the answer. There is goes again. “KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK!” I became concerned, who could be knocking at my door this hour of the night. “KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK!” With some bravery in my voice, I asked, “Who's there”? I could barely hear the response. I walked closer to the door, but I stayed completely out of sight. The moonlit sky permeated the living room windows, the shadows from the door, and trees outside, were reflective on the hallway walls. “KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK!” This time the knocks were more pronounced, with a sense of urgency to them. My voice began to quiver, as I questioned once again. “Who’s there?” I could feel the anxiety creeping into my body as my steps became more cautious. I raised the level of my voice to a higher octave, and asked, “Who's there?” Now, I can almost hear the answer, but I was unsure if I heard the answer correctly.

I walked closer to the door, now my voice is no longer a whisper, it’s a level above a whisper, now I use my “spy” voice, I asked, “who’s there?” I hear someone saying my name, “Cecilia, is that you”? The voice sounded familiar, and it had a very peaceful and reassuring sound. I answered, “Yes!", but whose there?” Their response was, “BLESSINGS!" I said, “I beg your pardon. Who are you?” The reply was, “BLESSINGS!” The voice on the other end told me that God had heard my prayers. He had seen my tears. He had pitied, every one of my groans. She said, “Please open your door. I am delivering your, BLESSINGS. God has opened up the windows of heaven and “IS” pouring out blessings, to you.” She continued by saying, “I don’t think that your home will have enough room to receive them.” Then she asked me “THE” question, “DO YOU RECEIVE THEM?” My reply was, “YES I DO, RAIN THEM DOWN ON ME. LET IT RAIN!”

Right before the storm is usually the calm. You are at peace. You are basking and resting in the glory of God. Then, the conflicts, the burdens, and the problems comes rushing in, like the tempest of a storm. You become like a ship, tossed and turned, rocking back and forth. Your anchor has been cast and sometimes you can barely hold on. The world seems to be caving-in on you.

When the first wave of conflicts hit you, everything appears to have given way. You are clinging to hope, and hoping that you don’t snap in the midst of the storm. Your heart aches from the shock of it all. But with the help of God, the shock waves, passes and you are able to look up and say, “Praise be to God”. It was your faith, in God, that lifted your shattered hopes, once more. It is the faith that binds all understanding.

That anchor was God. The ship was Jesus, keeping you from becoming ship wrecked. Once the storm was over, He gave you a sense of peace and reassured you of His safety. He reaffirmed to you that you would have never been thrown overboard, because He was your safety net.

Now you have passed the test, and what is waiting for you are, BLESSINGS.

WAIT, Someone is knocking at your door! Who is it? “BLESSINGS!”

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