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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Drip, Drip, Drip, Drip! That drip sound goes on and on and on. Drip, Drip, Drip! That must be the most annoying sound that I have ever heard. Drip, Drip, Drip! I have turned the knobs on the faucet as tight as I could and it is still dripping. What an annoying sound. How frustrated am I? Well I realized that this problem can’t be fixed by me. I am going to have to call a professional, a plumber.

In our lives, there are some situations we may have to face that not only annoys us, but frustrates us to no end. Somethings we just can’t fix. Many things take prayer. Some, much prayer. Those things that linger in our minds and disturbs our spirit. Those things that we thought that we had under control, but somehow they seem to creep back into our lives. Like a bad habit that we can’t kick. Someone you just keep kicking out of your life, but they keep boomeranging back in. Those people who are full of drama, because they are still in the dark and refused to step into the light of Jesus.

Those leaky faucets. Those negative energies. They exude negative energy, and when they are around you or talking to you, they deplete your energy.

I was talking to a friend the other day. I was telling her that someone wanted my number so that they could call me. The person who wanted my number, is toxic. I was in a dilemma, because I pride myself, as someone, that anyone can talk to, but with this person, I had to pause and pray. I realized that some people you can’t help, you simply must turn them over to Jesus. My friend simply said, “When you talk to someone and you feel worse after you finished talking to them, then you did before you talked to them, then you don’t need to talk to them at all.

Some people don't want to be helped. When you allow toxic people in your life, toxicants are released into your life, into your surroundings, and negative things, things that are not of God, will start happening to you.

Wrong associations are like vampires, they will suck your positive energy and will steal your joy. They will kill your passion. They will kill your dreams. They will even shake your faith. So what do you do? Simply turn them over to Jesus.

The Bible clearly tells us that bad company ruins good morals. It also tells us, “Do not give your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you” Matthew 7:16. The Bible also tells us that whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

Those people are the leaky faucets. You can’t fix their problems. You have to call a professional, a plumber to fix their problems. The professional plumber is the Lord Jesus.

Only God can stop that, Drip, Drip, Drip!

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