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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Updated: May 3, 2020

Sometimes we get so caught up in our own personal needs, that we forget about others. Our prayers are exclusively about us, and our family. We inundate God continuously with our wants, our needs, and desires. Some of us might as well record our message to God and just press play button, every time we start cataloging our list of wants and needs, in our prayers.

We become so focused on ourselves, that we forget that there are others who are feeling the same as us or maybe worst than us.

Maybe, you have hit a low point in this new year. Things aren’t going as you planned. You may feel stuck at your job or stifled in a relationship. Maybe you are just having a bad day. Or even a bad year.

At any moment, when you feel disappointed, or unlucky, or down, try this. If you were to poll the question of how well your neighbors or friends are doing, you would be shocked with your findings.

Whatever bad situations that you maybe in, look up and search out, because someone to the left of you or the right of you, is far worst-off than you are.

Our prayers to God are always vertical, they go from us to heaven. We partition God with our request, our needs, and wants. Sometimes we are so caught up in ourselves, that we never remember, that other people are suffering too. When we start reaching out, horizontally, to help someone else who may have a bigger need than us, we have answered someone’s prayer request. If you draw a vertical line (our prayer to God), then draw a horizontal line (reaching out to help someone else), through the vertical line, you would have drawn a cross.

So let’s reach out horizontally to help others and God will hear your prayer request and answer you, vertically.

You want a hand, lend a hand!

You want favor, do someone a favor!

You want a blessing, be a blessing!

You want a miracle, be somebody’s miracle!

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