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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


I looked through the peephole and what did I see. Three little monkeys staring right at me. Then they proceeded to introduce themselves; my name is “See no Evil," this is, “Hear no Evil," the one to the far right is, “Speak no Evil”. We wanted to make you aware that sin and evil is spreading at a rapid rate.

“For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders. Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile a man” Mark 7:21-23.

The three monkeys are absolutely correct. Sin is running rampant in our communities. Sin is destroying lives and our world. Sin is destroying careers and families. Sin is destroying everything that it touches. If you are not careful, it will destroy you too.

Sin will wrap itself in all kinds of packages. Evil knows what your heart desires, and will send sin, knocking at your door in its most desirable package. It will dance across your eyes, flirting very seductively. Once it has your eyes, it captures your heart. You see, all sin and evil need is just a little peephole, and once you peep into the hole, that’s it. We are like the bait on a hook, if you flirt with sin, Satan will catch his fish. Who do you think the fish is? If you are not careful, it will be you.

“The eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is clear your whole body also is full of light, but when it is bad, your body also is full of darkness” Luke 11:34. It is not only the eyes that will cause desires of the flesh. It is the eyes, the ears, and the mouth, and that dangerous tongue.

Once you peep through the peephole of sin, Satan is so crafty, he will present you an offer that you may find it difficult to refuse.

While peeping through that peephole, your ears may hear some of the most charming sounds. Sounds that make your body move to its beat. But sadly to say, it’s not the beat that comes from God. It’s a beat to a different drummer and that’s not the “little drummer boy”. Sin and evil are a dual package. It wraps itself up as desirable as it can be. Remember, it knows what the “flesh” wants. It knows what the flesh craves. It knows what the flesh desires. When you hear those things that sound good to you, it creates a sensation in your body. Then one thing may lead to another. All because you peeped through the peephole. What you saw and heard, led you astray, because it wasn’t Godly, it was Satan. The things through the peephole feeds the flesh. “Pay attention to what you are listening to…” Mark 4:24.

Peeping through the peephole of sin and evil brings you trouble and damnation. While peeping through the peephole, you saw something that caught your attention. You heard something that stirred your carnal lust. The eyes and the ears became tag-team partners and they decided that they needed a voice. There goes your mouth, using that dangerous thing called a tongue. How can something so small be so dangerous? That tongue, if used improperly can destroy nations. It usage, has a dual purpose and it is effective. How can it curse one moment, and praise God the next moment. It will say I love you, then turn around, and say I hate you. Astonishing! Amazing! Creative and dangerous, the tongue. “If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless," James 1:26.

Yes, people today have become desensitized about sin and evil. They are seeing no evil because they don’t want to. If the evil has not presented itself into their own homes nor touched their family then, they wish to ignore it and treat it as though it doesn’t exist. Their attitude is, if it is not bothering me, I want to bother it. But it is bothering you and affecting you. Sin and evil is like cancer. If you don’t control it, it will get out of control. We have to guard our lives by not only, not seeing it, or hearing it, and speaking it, but speaking out against it.

No, we cannot allow evil of any kind to enter our spirit. Not through our eyes, nor our ears, and most definitely, not exit our mouth. However, we are God’s representatives, so therefore, we must speak out against seeing, hearing, and speaking, all kinds of sin and evil. Not to voice your disapproval of sin, is a sign of your complicity.

Yes, we are not to allow anything that’s “NOT” of God to enter into us, but we are not to be deaf and dumb about it, either.

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