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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Have you ever witnessed a storm? Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a storm?

On October 29, 2020, Tropical Storm ZETA made US land on Wednesday afternoon as a category 2 hurricane, lashing the Louisiana coast. Heavy rain and damaging winds from Zeta swept through North Georgia, including Atlanta on Thursday morning, leaving a least three people dead and nearly 1 million people in the dark.

All across the metro area, fallen trees and downed wires, temporality blocked interstates, disabled traffic signals and shut down the local streets.

In life we go through many storms. Where there is no literal lightening or thunder, rain or wind, but it truly feels that way. Figurative, lightening passes and frightens us through fears of uncertainty. The wind blows discomfort and distress upon us. Thunder with its thunderstorms showers us with disappointments and discord. We become caught up in a spiritual and emotional storm.

I wish I can tell you that by following Jesus, that you will never be troubled again, but I can’t. Life and being a Christian appears to come with trouble. Life is full of ups and downs, with some twists and turns, and there will be love and loss.

Life doesn’t play out as we plan. One moment everything is silky smooth, then the next moment, your life is full of chaos. There will be times that your bad days will have bad days.

Jesus said there will be days, week, months, maybe years like this. Psalm 23:4 says, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” Verse 4 reminds us that when we are walking through the storm (hard times), God is always near and is there to protect and comfort us.

As you face the storms in your life, Jesus is always there with you and for you. You are never alone. Whatever the situation, God is there to comfort and guide you. So don’t look at the problems, just focus on God’s promises. When you focus only on the problems, you will lose sight of God’s promises.

“Peace Be Still!” One of the best known stories in the Gospels (Matthew 8:23-27) is that of Jesus calming the storm on the lake. There we see that Jesus demonstrated His authority over the elements of nature.

This same Jesus, who is Lord of lords and King of kings, in the days of old, is the same Jesus today. He is still controlling everything in heaven, earth, and under the earth.

Jesus didn’t promise us that our lives would be smooth sailing, but He did promise us that He would be our shelter in the midst of a storm.

So, if your life is in a storm, please remember that Jesus will get you to the other side. You have His word on it. For He said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).

Jesus is “THE SHELTER” in the midst of a storm.

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