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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Updated: Feb 17, 2021

Our tongue helps us taste, chew, swallow, and talk. You may have heard that the tongue is a muscle, but it’s actually made up of several group of muscles.

The front of your tongue is flexible, meaning it can move around easily. It works with your teeth to make words. The muscle in the back of your tongue also move against the top of your mouth to create some sounds.

The tongue is a very powerful tool and also can be a deadly weapon. James 3:9-11 puts it this way about the tongue, “With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?”

What comes out of our mouths is what’s reflective in the heart! You can try as hard as you might, but your mouth is going to say what your heart feels. There is a phrase that says, “Express Yourself.” You are just expressing yourself and putting your feelings on display for all to see.

I have been taught since I was a young child, to think before you speak. So what do you think would happen if you thought about what you say before you said it?

Over the years, I have seen some of the most self proclaim, holy people praise God one moment and the next moment with bitterness, verbally assaulting someone.

That tongue is like flying daggers, spewing gossip, judgement, criticism, slander and faultfinding. So many people lives and careers have been murdered and destroyed by the “tongue.”

Some tongues are like knives, we use it to slice and dice a person’s character. Some tongues are like daggers, we use it to harm someone emotionally. Some tongues are like venom, we devastate someone by blasting poison at them. Some tongues are like a bomb, when unleashed, its explodes with words that can levels an entire family.

The tongue can break hearts. The tongue can break our spirits. How many people have you maimed or killed with your words? Are you quick to criticize? Or do you use your tongue to build-up?

Proverbs 21:23 says, “He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity.” The tongue, that little thing in your mouth, can express or repress. It can build up or tear down. It can comfort or criticize. It can be delightful or a destroyer.

Only you can choose and control what comes out of your mouth. So choose!

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