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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Updated: May 3, 2020

In life we get to make a choice to which road we will choose to travel. One is the complete opposite of the other. Each one will lead you to your final destination. One choice is right and the other is wrong. One will be a good choice and the other is a very bad choice. There are only two choices to choose from, between one of two roads, the road of wisdom or the road of foolishness. One road leads to heaven and the other road leads to hell. Let’s start the journey.

Wisdom Avenue is located next to Sanity Street. While traveling down Wisdom Avenue, you will cross over Knowledge Boulevard and Discretion Road. Three miles down, is a street less traveled. It will not be busy at all, and that street is call Common Sense Way. As you travel down Common Sense Way, the street changes its name to Good Judgement Avenue. As you continue further down this same street, the name changes back to, Wisdom Avenue. It starts with Wisdom and ends with Wisdom. There on Wisdom Avenue, you will find Wealth and Glory Boulevards. These streets will lead you to the counties of Honor and Good Names, which is in the city with bright lights. You will find yourself walking down Righteous Road and Justice Avenue. There you will find where Insight and Virtue lives. As you continue enjoying your stroll and the beauty surrounding you, you realize with uncontrollable joy, the wonderful life, through God, that He offered you. To your amazement, you will discover, you have made the walk through the streets that led you to heaven’s gates. Where the gates are made of pearls and the streets are paved with gold.

Now, Foolish Drive is located next to Wicked Road. While traveling down Foolish Drive, you will reach the intersection of Liars Corner and Crooked Talk Overlook. You may want to take a detour through Sinners Lane to avoid the back-up traffic on Unrighteous Boulevard. Traffic is the thickest on Empty Head Street and the busiest on Idiot Lane. Just down the road is Evil Corner and near that street is Immoral Valley. There you will be in the Corrupt Alley, which leads you to the streets of Misfortune and Disaster at the intersection of Fools Circle. Then, make the circle in the round- about, to get to Dark Valley Crossings, that will detour you through the Dark Tunnel, which will lead you straight to Hell.

God wants His people to be wise. There are two kinds of people that portrays the two contrasting paths of life. The fool is the wicked and stubborn person who hates or ignores God’s commands and instructions. The wise person seeks to know, obey, and love God. When we choose God’s way, he will grant us wisdom. His Word, the Bible, leads us to live right and that leads us to right relationships and helps us make the right decisions in our lives. Which road do you wish to travel down? It’s your choice, and your decision. Please choose wisely.

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