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Writer: Cecilia PorterCecilia Porter

Updated: Jan 5, 2023

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death" Psalm 23:4. This verse can be used to describe any type of trouble or difficulty. Did you know there is an actual Valley of the Shadow of Death? It is a deep gorge, located parallel to the Jordan River, south of Jericho commonly referred to as the Judean Wilderness, known as Wadi Qelt, better known as the Valley of the Shadow of Death.

The Bible describes "valleys" as tough times. Such as the Valley of Siddim (the valley of Sin). It is the valley where sin abounded. This represents a valley of sin in our lives. The Valley of Eschol (the valley of Decision). Eschol is a valley located inside the Promise Land. It is the valley where the Israelites needed to decide whether they would obey God or not, to move forward or not. This valley represents our decision of being God's people. The Valley of Kidron (the valley of Suffering). The valley of Kidron is a cemetery that is now called "The Valley of Jehoshophat." It is the valley between Jerusalem and Mount Olives.

Then there is the Valley of Achor (the valley of Punishment). Achor is the valley where Achan and his family were stoned to death because of his sin before God. It is the valley of punishment. The valley where God's correction is. The Valley of Elah (the valley of Battle). Elah is the valley where David heard Goliath defying Israel's God. It is the valley of Battle. Our lives as believers are full of battles that we must face, such as, a battle of sin, a battle of discouragement, a battle of affliction, a battle of temptation, a battle of trials and tribulations.

Then there is The Valley of Gehenna (the valley of Death). This word was used by Jesus to represent hell and its eternal fire. It represents the death of every person who rejects Christ as their personal Savior. The Valley of Jezreel (the valley of Triumph). It is the valley where the last battle between God's people and Satan's army will occur. It is the valley that is located in the mountain of Megiddo, from the word Armageddon. The Last Battle takes place in the Last Days before the new heaven and the new earth mentioned in Revelation.

Even Jesus walked through the valley of darkness. He truly understands our discomfort, so He enables us as His children to "fear no evil" when the walls of the valley of darkness feels as though they are crushing us. Whatever valley of darkness is crushing you, no valley is too great to overcome the hope and mercy Jesus promised: "your rod and your staff, they comfort me."

Jesus is our Shepherd and He cares for His flock. His job is to lead, feed, protect, oversee, and provide for His children. He does not send us through the dark valleys alone. He goes every step of the way with us. He is right by our side. He is with us during every trial of our life. He promised us that no matter what we are going through and no matter how great the pain, He will always be there. He lead, feed, protect, oversee, and provide for us throughout our entire journey, until the end of our journey, "Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever" (Psalm 23:6).

God promised us a lot of things, but God has never promised us, as His children, that we would never experience difficult times. God never promised us that we would have days without pain, nor laughter without sorrow, nor sun without rain. It would have been absolutely wonderful if He had made us those promises, but He didn't. He did promised us that He would never leave us nor forsake us, "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."



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