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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


The initial illustration in the Bible about any tithing concerns the account of Abraham and Melchizedek in Genesis chapter 14. Following the slaughter of the kings, Abraham returned to central Palestine, with a large amount of spoil. Abraham met Melchizedek and gave him a tenth of the spoil. There was no biblical teaching which showed that Abraham was required to give a tenth to Melchizedek.

In Genesis, when Jacob had his dream, Jacob heard the voice of the Lord speaking from heaven and promise to bless him in his journey. The Lord also confirmed with Jacob the same covenant He had made with Abraham and Issac.

When he awoke, Jacob fell on his knees and made a vow to abandon his ways. He promised, “Of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee” Genesis 28:22.

God accepted this vow and opened the windows of heaven so that when Jacob returned home 20 years later, he had become a very wealthy and generous man.

Malachi 3:10 says, “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”

Malachi urged the people to stop holding back their tithes, to stop keeping from God what He deserved. The tithing system began during the time of Moses. The Levites received some of the tithe because they could not possess their own land. During Malachi’s day, the tithes were not being used to support God’s workers, so the Levites went to work to earn a living.

Prove me, God is saying: Test Me, and see if I won’t return to you a blessing too vast for you to receive.

Those windows in heaven are still in service. Those hinges on those windows do not rust. Those windows swings wide open and they do pour out many blessings.

God has storehouses with many windows. It’s fountains still overflows with many gifts and blessings. This storehouse is the treasury of God’s vast riches in heaven. God will never be broke nor will he ever need to file for bankruptcy. Your lack is not coming from God. It is coming from you. God is waiting on you. He says, “Prove Me” now. You just need to fulfill the conditions on your part, by bringing in the tithes.

Why ask God for a handful of anything when He owns the wealth of all creation. Why ask Him for a ray of light, in your darkness, when He controls the sun and the moon. God’s wealth is immeasurable and His giving it is beyond anything that we could ever imagine or ask for. After all, He is constantly reminding us to “Prove Me” now. So go ahead and let Him prove it to you. I dare you! Remember, God cannot lie.

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