We play many roles in our lives and in the lives of others. There are two major roles that we will see in any Hollywood movie that you may find on Amazon Prime, Netflix, HBO, HULU or wherever you watch your movies. In just about every movie there will be a victim, a villain, and most times a hero.
There are people that are true victims that have been victimized by real villains, through tragic crimes like rape and abuse (mental and/or physical). Sometimes you get caught-up by being in the wrong place at the wrong time and you become a victim. As a result, you suffer from some type of traumatic event. It doesn't matter the size of the event, whether large or small, it was traumatic to you and it caused a perpetual emotional cycle to you, the victim.
For anyone who has undergone a real traumatic event, they have to undergo the process of healing and this process isn't easy. For the real victims, I pray that your healing journey will bring about a self-awareness. This self-awareness will allow you to see yourself beyond the role of a victim. From self-awareness should birth self-compassion. From self-compassion you will realize that that you have been healed and that you are no longer a victim, but now you are a hero.
But sometimes we can be our own worst enemy. Some people can create the most creative crises, because they love to portray themselves as a victim. It's like there is a world-wide movement going on and this movement has a name. What is its name? The "Woe Is Me Movement!" Some people must be part of this movement by any means necessary. When you are part of this movement, it is easy to blame the world, find people to project hurt on, or create a toxic environment or situation to reduce your internal pain. With their delusions and compulsions, they don't realize that they have fallen into the vicious cycle of shame, blame, and denial.
Satan is the father of all lies and he wants every Believer to think that other people is causing bad things to happen to them and in their lives. He wants to capture your mind and keep you constantly upset, unforgiving, and bitter. He wants you to think that you will never catch a break. He wants you to think that bad things is always happening to you. He wants you to always feel sorry for yourself. He wants you to feel that you will always be a victim. He wants you to believe his lies.
Wait a minute! God understands it all. The Bible says that rain falls on the just as well as the unjust. God doesn't want you to have a mindset of a victim. God wants you to be free from any anger, malice, bitterness, and revenge. God wants you to have a mindset of an overcomer. He wants you to believe that, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." He wants you to be more than a conqueror through Christ.
Yes, stuff happens in life. Our journey in this life will never be easy, because it will be a life full of hills and valleys. Jesus made us many promises, but He never promised us a problem free life. So, your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend left you. So, you lost your job. So, you were overlooked for a promotion by someone who was less qualified than you. So, you loss a loved one. That's life! Please forgive me and I am not being insensitive, because each one of those scenarios have happened to me.
Jesus knows all about being a Victim. He is our Supreme example. He was victimized and He never developed a victim mentality. They spat on Him. They offered Him vinegar to drink. They mocked Him. They put a crown of thorns on His head. They hung Him on an old rugged cross. They did so much more and Jesus was completely innocent. There was no deceit found in Him, no guile, no sin of any kind! If anyone had a right to be a Victim, it was Jesus. "He never sinned, never told a lie, never answered back when insulted; when he suffered he did not threaten to get even; he left his case in the hands of God who always judges fairly" (1 Peter 2:22-23)
Okay, you got hurt. You are emotionally wounded. You have grieved, or now you are heavily grieving. There is a balm in Gilead. This balm is Jesus. By His stripes we are healed. He has the healing power that you need. He can wipe away your tears. Take your wounded, broken spirit to Jesus and tell Him all about. He already knows about it anyway. He is waiting on you.