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Writer: Cecilia PorterCecilia Porter

Updated: Apr 1, 2023

Villains are real people that plots, to somehow cause harm or ruin to someone or something. They can be anyone with varying social and economic backgrounds. A Villain could be a politician, a religious leader, teacher, student, family member, or anyone.

Did you know that there are different types of Villains? Of yes there are! There are so many types of Villains. The types of Villains are as follows:

1) Traitor - This villain betrays the ones who trusted him or her.

2) Patriarch or Matriarch - This villain operates as the head of the family or group.

3) Tyrant - This villain doesn't take no stuff from anybody. You do as you are told or suffer

the consequences.

4) Outcast - This villain is shunned or in exiled from the family or community and

seeks getting revenge.

5) Evil genus - This villain is highly intelligent and sees himself or herself as superior

to others.

6) Schemer - This villain loves developing diabolical plans and have the capacity

to carry them out.

7) Lunatic - This villain is just plain crazy. They may not have any real motivation

or legitimacy for their crazy conspiracies.

8) Fanatic - This villain have some very strong beliefs and their beliefs will take them

to the max, because they really believe that what they are doing is for the best.

9) Devil - The Devil, also known as Satan. He is the chief of the Villains. He is the personification of evil. He is called many different names in various cultures:

Beelzebub, Lucifer, Satan, Apollyon, Antichrist, demon, and Mephistopheles, just to name a few. This malevolent being and his legion of demons continues to strike fear in people and wreck havoc in people's lives. He is the enemy of God and those who seek to do the will of our Heavenly Father.

In the movies and in any work of literature, the villain plays an important role in the story, because without the villain, we really can't see how good the hero is. We wouldn't be able to see nor understand the dangers that a person or a community is facing. Guess what? We wouldn't have no one to hate or blame for all of the problems and chaos that was caused. The bad ways of the villain displays the goodness of the hero.

There are all kinds of fictional villains. Some of my favorites villains are:

1) Freddy Krueger - He played a villain in The Nightmare on Elm Street.

2) Michael Myers - He played the villain in The Halloween Series.

3) Hannibal Lector - He played the villain in The Silence of The Lambs, Hannibal, and

Red Dragon.

4) The Joker - He played the villain in Batman, Dark Knight, and Joker.

5) Darth Vader - He played the villain in Star Wars

Hey, guess what I just noticed, I didn't include any females villains. I wonder why? Maybe I only identity with the real ones that have cross my path in my REAL life. Funny, haha! But it's true. Praise God for His Word, because the Bible says, "Don't do as the wicked do. Avoid their haunts - turn away, go somewhere else, for evil men can't sleep until they've done their evil deed for the day. They can't rest unless they cause someone to stumble and fall. They eat and drink wickedness and violence! But the good man walks along in the ever-brightening light of God's favor, the dawn gives way to morning splendor, while the evil man gropes and stumbles in the dark" (Proverbs 4:14-19).

There are some real life villains. We all have had an encounter with a villain, someway, somehow. Maybe from a co-worker, boss, ex-spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, a so-called friend, family member, neighbor, church member, or anyone that tries to make your life misery, just because they can.

During our lifetime, whether we like it or not, we are going to run into someone who will affect us in some way or another. Sometimes they will affect us in a positive way and sometimes in a negative way. So far in my life, there has been more negative than positive experiences. Those negative people will bring their "A" game for a full negative attack against you and trust me, in most times unprovoked. Oftentimes you are totally blind-sided, leaving you traumatized and devastated. In storytelling, this attacker would definitely be considered, not just a villain, but the "best kind of Villain."

People often allow these Villains in their life, to become the reason why some things don't work for them. They begin to think that maybe they were the reason they became stuck-in-neutral and they can't move forward in their life. They start thinking that someone had done them wrong and they just can't get over it. They truly believe that so-in-so held them back from reaching their goals and potential, and that person shattered their dreams.

You didn't even realize that you were making those people Villains, and thereby making yourself a Victim. I have read that when someone gets fed up with being in the Victim Stage, the victim will start planning actions that can hurt others. That's when the Villain is born. A Villain will usually take revenge. A villain can become violent. A villain can become aggressive. A villain wants "pay back" for the sufferings that they have gone through. Sometimes you can become a villain without realizing that you are now the villain.

We all at one time in our life have been a Villain. If you are constantly criticizing someone, you are a Villain. If you are constantly calling someone out of their name, you are a Villain. If you are always putting someone down, you are a Villain. If you slander people, you are a Villain. If you are a gossiper, you are a Villain. If you are a constant liar, you are a Villain. Because what you are doing is EVIL. People do all kinds of immoral things to people and oftentimes, they want to play the role of the Victim, while all along they are truly the Villain.

Throughout Scripture, we are told to love others. We are not to hurt anyone, physically or mentally. But words really do hurt people. We should treat people the way we want to be treated, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" (Luke 6:31). Even if someone hurt you (and trust me, you will be hurt by someone), we are NOT suppose to, "do unto others the way others do us." Nor are we to, "do unto others before they do it to us."

We as Christians should always be imitators of Christ. We must be considerate of others. We must control what's in our hearts and what comes out of our mouths. Whenever you act out or react to a bad situation, once you say it or do it, you cannot take it back. You can be forgiven for the dirty deed, but trust me, it will not be forgotten. The tongue has no bones, but it's a mighty powerful weapon. It is strong enough to completely destroy a person and it can also break hearts.

Remember, "For we must all stand before Christ to be judged and have our lives laid bare - before him. Each of us will receive whatever he deserves for the good or bad things he has done in his earthly body" (2 Corinthians 4:10).



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