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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Updated: May 3, 2020

Have you been in prayer with God about something? Maybe you have been fasting and praying and you are awaiting for God to answer your prayer. You have been praying fervently and earnestly and God has been silent. You start thinking that maybe you have done something wrong. Maybe you have some unrepented sin, that hasn’t been confessed. The dilemma is, you just don’t understand why God hasn’t answered your prayer. Sometimes, people may say that He will give us one of three different responses to our prayer request; Sometimes, He may say maybe; Sometimes, He may say No; and Sometimes, He says yes, but not yet. But maybe it’s something more that that. In Daniel 10, a heavenly messenger was sent to Daniel. Daniel describes the appearances of this messenger in detail. Daniel tells us that the angel told him that his prayer request was heard in heaven and was answered the very first day he began fasting. But for twenty one days the Evil Spirit of Persia blocked his way. Then Michael, the Archangel, The Warrior, came to help him and with Michael’s help, he was able to break through those spirit rulers of Persia. God hears our prayers. He sees and feels our pain. He knows our concerns. Sometimes, it’s not a maybe, or a no, or a yes, but not yet. We just have to be patience, because God is faithful. The answers to our prayers may be hindered by unseen forces and obstacles. God answer prayers. Don’t expect them to come too easily. Don’t expect them to come too quickly. Our prayers may be challenged by evil forces, so pray fervently and pray earnestly. Then expect God to answer in His good timing. God has ALL power. He controls everything. Look at it like this, imagine that you are pregnant and expecting a child. That baby usually has an incubation time of nine months. During this time, the incubation period, the baby will go through different stages, as it is formed to what God wants it to be. To the average person, that may not be long, but for the one who is caring the baby, it’s a long time. During this process, that load gets heavier and heavier each month. The closer the due date, the heavier the load. When that expected date has arrived, before you receive the relief, there will be pain. Unexplainable pain. Undescribable pain. Out of the pain, comes a blessing. While you are waiting for God to answer your prayer, you will feel the heaviness of being patient. You will go through the pain of patience, then you will receive the blessing of being patience. If God would only allow for your eyes to be open to allow you to see the spiritual busyness of His work and how the Armies of His heavenly hosts are working on your behalf. It would be a mind blowing experience of epic proportions. You would not be able to handle it, just seeing the awesomeness of God at work. Faith requires action. If you believe it, then you will receive it.

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