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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily besets us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us” (Hebrews 12:1).

What is weighing you down? Your path of life! Most of us are hauling too much weight. Too many things to do in one day. Too many entanglements with people. Too many shoulda’s, woulda’s, and coulda’s. Too many worries, guilts, and regrets. Too many physical and mental stuff that you are carrying around. They are complicating your life. They are weighing you down. They are keeping you stuck in neutral.

No one is perfect. We all carry some weight, some more than others. These weights sometimes impede our spiritual growth. Sometimes the weight is sin. Sometimes we do things that we know are wrong, but we are unwilling to let them go. Sin entangles us and trip us up. We get tripped up in our daily Christian walk over bitterness, jealousy, strife, lying, and so on.

Sometimes the weight is besetting sin. Those sins that we have tried to get rid of but they keep coming back, time and time again. They eat away at us like cancer. Like memories of our past mistakes and bad habits that we seem like we just can’t break, and many more besetting sins that keeps us from moving forward.

Sometimes the weight is a distraction. Some weights are not sinful, but they keep us from progressing spiritually. The author of Hebrews says, “…laying aside every weight…that so easily ensnares us.” There are many things that are not sinful, in and of themselves. They have the potential to become weights that will slow us down, and hold us back. They keep us from moving and running our race. They may be things like ambition, playing cards, surfing the web, and games.

Let’s shake off every weight that is weighing us down. Let’s run the race that God would be proud of. How do we do this? Paul says, “Forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead, I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14).

Whatever demands our attention, to which we are not called by God himself, is to be given as a weight.

God demands that we give our whole attention to his business, to glorify him, to obey his commands, and to promote His interests.

All unnecessary cares, concerns, and burdens are to be considered as a weight.

Laying aside weights and sins is a constant practice. It is not something that happens overnight. It takes time and God will help you every step of the way. Don’t get discouraged, or become doubtful. God is always there coaching us on. After all, God is our "Life Coach”.

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