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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Updated: Apr 6, 2023

As a Christian we must ask ourselves this question, "What kind of example am I?" Are you a Christian example in your speech? Are you a Christian example in your conduct? Are you a Christian example in showing love? Are you a Christian example in faith? Are you a Christian example whose life serves as a positive role model and whose actions are based on purity, fidelity, integrity, and the love for the Lord?

Are you a Christian example in speech? In speech, our words reflects our thoughts which reflects our hearts. Words can destroy someone and words can build someone up. "The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be condemned" (Matthew 12:35-37).

Words have energy and power with the ability to harm, to help, to hurt, to humble, or to humiliate. Have you ever had a conversation with someone and still today can remember that conversation, verbatim? Now, consider your conversations with someone, your words could change their whole life for the better or for the worse. The words we choose to use have meaning, whether negative or positive. If words have meaning, then believe me they will be remembered. WORDS. They are powerful. So choose your words wisely. Be mindful of the words you use.

Are you a Christian example in conduct? As Christians, we are called to be set apart from the world, so that when people see us, they will know that we represent Jesus. Our conduct in the Bible is called, "walk." Then how should we "walk?" Morally and spiritually. Philippians 1:27a tells us, "Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ..." This includes our conduct in all areas of our life. I know that there are a lot of professed Christians that act worldly. We can't take responsibility for them, we can only take responsibility for ourselves. The Bible delineate our Christian Code of Conduct. Matter-of-fact, Romans 12 is titled, "A Living Sacrifice to God." It explains to us in explicit details how God is expecting us to live. This applies to our conduct, to any transaction, to how we dress, even to our style of living. There is nothing we can say or do that can be exempted from Romans 12. We are ambassadors of Jesus Christ and we need to act as so.

Are you a Christian example in love? How can you say the right words and live the right way, but do not love? "He who does not love does not know God, for God is love" (1 John 4:8). WE are commanded to love everyone including our enemies. What, my enemies too? Yes, and even those we find unlikeable. Our problem is that we misunderstand the word LOVE. The kind of love that we need in order to love people we don't even like is, AGAPE love. God's kind of love. Agape love is not a feeling. Although we can experience some mighty good feelings as a result of Agape love. Agape love does not depend on how we feel nor how others feel about us. Agape love is an action. Agape love says, "I love you in spite of..." In spite of things about you that I don't like. We are commanded to love others.

Are you a Christian example in faith? "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see..." (Hebrews 11:1a). In this verse, we understand that faith is a confidence in things that are not visible and yet they are as real to us as the things that we can see. When we put our faith in God, we acknowledge Him as Sovereign over all things. After all He is the Creator and Sustainer of life. He wants us to completely trust Him by resting in Him, by placing our faith in Him and Him only, not in anyone, not in ourselves, nor our abilities, but in Him and His abilities. Remember, without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and He is the Rewarder of those who earnestly seek Him. When we place our faith in God, we demonstrate that we believe His Word and that we trust Him.

As a Christian, a follower of Christ, we must show Christ to the world by being a Christ-like example. A nonbeliever should be able to see Christ in us and should be so drawn to our light that they would desire to seek Christ and His salvation.

What kind of example are you?

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