Evilness is all around us. Evilness is the quality of being morally wrong in practice or principle. In this world people are displaying so much hate, anger, and being mean-spirited. It's like, anything goes. When one think of evilness you begin to think of images from mythology, books, and movies that portrays evil as personified in spiritual forces. Maybe a demon possess haunted house, exorcism by sprinkling of holy water, or spirits summoned by an Quija board.
Evil is real and present in this sin filled world and it seems like evilness has been "TURNED-UP." Just look around you. Turn on the TV and listen to the news. So what is going on? It's what has been going on since the beginning of time. We first read about evil in the Bible in Genesis 2:17, "But the tree of the Knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it; for in the day that thou eat thereof thou shall surely die."
When God created mankind He gave us free-will with the ability to choose between good and evil. When Adam and Eve sinned, sin entered into the world, as well as judgment. This judgment was extended not just to man, but to Satan as well. Satan deceived mankind then, and he continues to do so now. When you look at the world, from social media to politics, you would be blind not to see the power of the devil. Satan is at work everywhere.
Evilness is anything that contradicts the Holy nature of God, because God is Holy. Those who practice evil are in Satan's family. God hates wicked people and Psalm 11:5 makes it plain, "The LORD test the righteous, but his soul hates wicked and the one who loves violence." God hates their ways, their thoughts, their actions, and their evil deeds.
Anytime you are confronted by betrayal, hatred, rage, lies, cruelty, deceitfulness, evilness of any kind, and you realized who did it to you, be it family, friend, or foe, now you can place a face on who did the evil deed. Evil now has a face.