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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Updated: May 3, 2020

To Wobble is to cause something to shake or move from side to side in a way that shows poor balance. There are some things that will rock us to our core. Sometimes our faith is tested and in the process, our faith is shaken. We become traumatize by circumstances and situations. We go from being strong as a hammer, tough as nails, to wobble like Jello. We are in the middle of the fire, the fiery furnace and it appears that relief is far, far away. You have been crying to God for help and it seems as though help is not forth coming. You don’t understand the delay. God is being quiet. Then you may have the tendency to think that maybe you have done something to offend God, because God has always been there for you. This long silence from God may have a tendency to “wobble your faith”. You can’t get a grip of understanding. You know that this test, this trial, is by far the most fierce one of them all. The economy is unstable and is causing a ripple affect around the world. Things were already tight financially, your relationship was already on shaky grounds, your job was barely tolerably, your health isn’t what it use to be and you thought that life wouldn’t have never come to this. Everything is wobbling, your faith is wobbling, your finances are wobbling, your health is wobbling, your relationship is wobbling and your job may wobble right out of the door. Everything is on shaky grounds. You just want to throw your hands up in the air and scream, “LORD PLEASE HAVE MERCY ON ME!” God has heard your prayers. It may seem like you are in the midst of the hottest part of the fire, figuratively, but Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednego, was in the fiery furnace literally. When God delivered them from the furnace, their bodies were unhurt, their skin was not blistered, their hair was unsinged, their garments not scorched, and even the smell of fire was not on them. The God that delivered them from their literal furnace, can and will deliver you from the midst of a heated and troubling battle. As Christians, we will be faced with many trials and challenges. There will be many things that will happen to us and will probably rock our faith. Our faith will be tested, and it may at times wobble like a bowl of Jello, but we are never alone. God is always with us. We will overcome our fiery furnace experience, liberated and untouched by the flames. While God appears to be silent, He is working everything out for us, and for our good. When all of this is over, we will realize that we "Triumph Over It All". We will triumph over sickness. We will triumph over our finances. We will triumph over our relationship problems. We will triumph over our job situation. Oh, believe me, there is a power that can make us victors even in the state of strife. There are heights to be reached, where we can look down and over the way in which we have come, and sing our songs of triumph, on this side. We can make others regard us as rich, while we are yet poor, and make many rich people think that they are in our poverty. We can only go through some fires with a large faith, little faith will fail. Large faith, large power. Little faith, little power. Little faith is a “wobble faith”. If you need to wobble, let’s not wobble in faith, just wobble your way to victory lane with triumph.

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