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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Updated: May 3, 2020

When I was growing up and living at home with my mother, I felt that I couldn’t do nothing in private. My mother was always in my business. She would say that my business was her business. There was no such thing as “my business,” because everything was on the “need-to-know” basis, because she needed to know, everything. You better not close your door thinking that you needed privacy. There was no such thing as privacy, unless it was her room, in her house. If you thought that you needed alone time, she would quickly tell you, that you can get that time, when you move out of her house. She was the I-Spy and the FBI, all wrapped up in one package. She had resources and unpaid informants, my siblings. She had her own personal dossier on me, not just on me, but all of her children. I couldn’t get away with nothing. Back then, I thought that she had eyes in the back of her head, because she didn’t miss a thing. When I became an adult, living in my own home, my mother decided that she would tell me about somethings that I had done, while living with her. The things that she revealed, shocked me. I thought that those things were a well kept secret. She reminded me that I didn’t have any secrets, and that she knew all of my business. My business was her business and her business was to take care of me, provide for me, and protect me, because I was her child and God gave me to her. I own a business and I am in the business of custom designs. God, not only gave me my business, but He also, provided the talent, the gift, that allows me to perform my business. I pray over every project that God gives me. My prayer is that I give each project my very best. I remind God, that He is the one, who provided me with the client, and that I have not cheated anyone, or taken any shortcuts, nor wronged them in any way. I pray that each client will be extremely satisfied with their finished product. God has blessed me tremendously in this business and I praise Him for everything. Just as our earthly business offers us rewards, here on earth, when we attend to God’s business, God’s business will offer us rewards, also. When we make God’s business our business, by dedicating our efforts toward Him, He will allow our business to flourish, thereby, providing for our needs and honoring our request for our wants. Satisfying our wants is our bonus for honoring God’s business. In Jeremiah 29:11, God says that He has plans for us, plans to prosper us, not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future. So, slow down to notice the compassion he has placed into your heart. Notice the people that He has brought to your path. Those who need a hug. Those who need prayer. Those who need for someone to show them kindness. Those who have needs; the homeless, the hungry, the hopeless, the sick and shut-in, the elderly, and those who are hurting. Everyday of your life and while you a living your life, for Jesus, you are doing the Father’s business. Your business is God’s business and God’s business is for you to do it, HIS BUSINESS.

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