What is love? Love is defined as a strong affection for another; a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person; a feeling...
Your Go-To Source for everyday inspiration
What is love? Love is defined as a strong affection for another; a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person; a feeling...
As a Christian we must ask ourselves this question, "What kind of example am I?" Are you a Christian example in your speech? Are you a...
Evilness is all around us. Evilness is the quality of being morally wrong in practice or principle. In this world people are displaying...
WAITING! Are you in a "waiting season?" If you are not, then you are truly blessed. The "waiting season" skips no one, it hasn’t knock...
Are you suffering? Everyone suffers somehow, in some form, in some fashion, at some time. Suffering is an inevitable part of life, from...
Look at any word or promise in the Bible that God has spoken, then underscore it with ME, MINE, and MY. That word is a promise to you....
Bitterness is defined as anger and disappointment at being treated unfairly. It is an attitude of intense and prolonged anger and...
What does "surrender" means? Surrender means to relinquish possession or control over. It is an act of surrendering, submission into...
God uses us the most when we are broken. If the truth be told, all of us are broken in some way or another. We look at someone's...
Sideshow means any diversion or distraction from the main game. A sideshow distraction is something unimportant that takes your...
God's Word, the Bible, is referred to in Greek as "logos." Logos is the Greek word for, "word." It is where we get the word "logic"...
"Is there anything too hard for God?" This question reveals much about God. How so? God is Sovereign. He controls all things. He is...
God is sovereign. What does this mean? God is in control! He is the Ultimate source of all power, authority, and everything that exist....
God created each of us to be special and unique. No two people are created exactly alike. We all have our own individual personalities,...
Sowing discord is one of the most heinous sins in the Bible. It is a wicked sin fathered by pride and it was found in Lucifer, when he...
We are at war! Satan hates us, and he wants to destroy us. The enemy has many tricks up his sleeves. He is very good at what he does. ...
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world...
Satan has many tricks up his sleeves and he is the author of lies. He is as slick as they come and he is an evil master controller. He...
In September 1886, The Indiana Progress published this statement, "We may be care-worn and aged, forsaken of the world, living on...
Jealousy is a result of thoughts or feelings of insecurity, fear, and concerns over the lack of material things or safety. Jealousy,...
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